This is an automation test suite for the Katello project.
My goal is to design a keyword, data driven suite that can be used in a continuous integration environment.
This page gives you a good introduction in how to get started with Robottelo
If you haven't cloned the source code yet, then make sure to do it now:
git clone git://
Then, run sudo pip install -r ./requirements.txt from the root of the project to have all dependencies automatically installed.
Single tests can be invoked by using the included robottelo_runner script:
python --driver firefox --host --project katello --tests tests.ui.test_Login
Multiple tests can also be invoked:
python --driver firefox --host --project katello --tests tests.ui.test_Login --tests tests.ui.test_Organization
Running individual tests from a test suite from the command line:
python --driver firefox --host --project katello --tests tests.ui.test_Login.test_successful_login
You can also run tests directly using either unittest or nosetests provided you pass all the expected arguments: PROJECT=katello DRIVER=firefox python -m unittest tests.ui.test_Login.test_successful_login
or PROJECT=katello DRIVER=firefox nosetests tests.ui.test_Login.test_successful_login
This software is developed by: Og Maciel.