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538 lines (382 loc) · 18.6 KB

File metadata and controls

538 lines (382 loc) · 18.6 KB


Prometheus is a simple ODM for Node.js with adapter for MongoDB (so far) and built-in form builder, form parser, and table builder. Form parser has uploads handler with image resizer.

Because of async nature of database calls, Prometheus' model constructor has an internal promise (we use Deferred library), which is exposed via attribute ready. This promise resolves with model once model is initialized (e.g. a blank model, var user = new UserModel({})), or loaded from database (e.g. if you provide a query, var user = new UserModel({ id: 123 })). If you're trying to load with a query a model that does not exist, you can know if by checking model.get() === null or model.toJSON() === null.



In your project path:

$ npm install prometheus

Defining models:

You define model by passing model-specific options to ModelFactory, which returns a model constructor.

Required params

  • name — Friendly name of your model, e.g. UserModel
  • schema — Description of model attributes

Optional params

  • mixins — An array with mixins that will be applied to constructor's prototype
  • prototype_methods — Model-specific methods that will be added to constructor's prototype
  • static_methods — Model-specific static methods that will be added to constructor
  • hooks — Model-specific hooks (callbacks) that will be called during model lifecycle, e.g. afterInitialize, beforeSave etc.
  • permissions — Object with a list of CRUDT permissions
  • roles — Object with functions which check permissions per each role listed in permissions

Defining a model example

var prometheus    = require('prometheus'),
    ModelFactory  = prometheus.factory,
    MongodbStore  = prometheus.stores.mongodb,
    MD5           = prometheus.MD5,

model_options = {

    name: 'ExampleModel',

    store: new MongodbStore({
        collection: 'example'

    schema: {
        name: {
            name: 'Name',
            default: '',
            type: ModelFactory.types.STRING
        email: {
            name: 'Email',
            default: '',
            type: ModelFactory.types.STRING,
            validate: Validators.isEmail,
            index: ModelFactory.indexes.UNIQUE
        password: {
            name: 'Password',
            default: '',
            type: ModelFactory.types.STRING,
            hidden: true

    mixins: [],

    prototype_methods: {},

    static_methods: {
        login: function(req, options) {
            // your login logic

        logout: function(req) {
            // your logout logic

    hooks: {
        beforeSave: function() {
            var password = this.get('password');

            if (password.length !== 32) {
                this.set('password', MD5(password));


UserModel = module.exports = ModelFactory(model_options);

Instantiating models

Blank model is instantiated by calling a model constructor with a blank query as first argument:

var user = new UserModel({}, { req: req });

user.ready(function(model) {
        name: 'Shubik',
        email: '',
        password: 'password'
    }); {
        // model successfully saved
    }, function(err) {
        // handle error
}, function(err) {
    // handle error

Existing model is instantiated with a query as first argument:

var user = new UserModel({ email: '' }, { req: req });

user.ready(function(model) {
    if (model.toJSON() === null) {
        // model with this email not found - save new
        model.set({ email: '' });
    } else {
        var new_name = model.get('name') + ' updated';
        model.set('name', new_name);
}, function(err) {
    // handle error

Note that if model with such id is not found, promise will resolve with null.

Model API

Instance methods


get(attr) retrieves an attribute of the model, or an entire model if attribute name is not provided.


set(attr, [value]) sssigns new value to an attribute or a number of attributes of the model. If given only 1 param which is an Object, method will use keys of the object as attributes.

save() saves a new model or model that has been changed by set(). Returns a promise which is resolved with model if model was successfully saved or error if saving model failed. If model was initialized without an id, new model will be attempted to be created.


destroy() deletes model from a store. Returns a promise which is resolved with this model once model is deleted from database.


toJSON() returns all attributes of the model (key-value pairs).


validate() validates model attributes according to the model's schema. Returns true or false.


toForm() returns an object that can be used to create HTML form for this model.


parseForm(req) populates a model by values from a request.


toTable() returns an object that can be used to show this model in table form.

You can add model-specific instance methods by adding them to prototype_methods param of the options you pass to ModelFactory.

Static methods

Model constructors can have static methods which you can use without instantiating a model. By default there are two static methods: find() and count():


find(query, offset, limit, sort) returns a promise which is resolved with an array of models found in database using provided arguments. Example:

UserModel.find({ name: 'Shubik' })(function(results) {
    // do somethig with `results`


count() returns a promise which is resolved with number of all models in the database. Example:

UserModel.count()(function(num) {
    // do somethig with `num`

You can add more model-specific static methods to static_methods param of the options you pass to ModelFactory.

Form builder

Each model has built-in method model.toForm() which returns an object that you can use to render forms. Below is an example route that uses toForm() method to display form for adding a new company:

add: function(req, res) {
    var company = new CompanyModel({}, { req: req });

    company.ready(function(model) {

        model.set('auth_token', MD5(_.random(1000000, 9999999) + config.auth.salt));

        var model_form = model.toForm({
            url         : '/rest/company',
            method      : 'POST',
            show_hidden : true

        res.render('admin/company_add', {
            title      : 'Add company',
            model_form : model_form

    }, function(err) {
        res.send(400, err.toString());

Actual form is rendered using a Jade mixin and Twitter Bootstrap, as follows:

mixin form_builder(formdata)
  form.form-horizontal.themed(id="#{}", name="#{}", method="#{formdata.tag.method}", action="#{formdata.tag.action}", enctype="#{formdata.tag.enctype}")
      for field in formdata.fields
          label.control-label #{field.label}
            for inp in field.inputs

              if field.type == 'text'

              if field.type == 'textarea'

              if field.type == 'select'

              if field.type == 'checkbox'

              if field.type == 'radio'

              if field.type == 'other'

        button.btn.medium.btn-primary(type="submit") Save

And this mixin is called from respective view as follows:


Form parser

Each model has built-in method model.parseForm() which returns an object that you can use to render forms. Below is an example route that uses parseForm() method to add a new company:

create: function(req, res) {
    var params  = _.extend(req.params || {}, req.query || {}, req.body || {}),
        company = new CompanyModel({}, { req: req });

    company.ready(function(model) {
        model.parseForm(req)(function(model) {
                res.json(200, model.toJSON());
            }, function(err) {
                res.send(400, err.toString());
        }, function(err) {
            res.send(400, err.toString());

Using image resizer

You can optionally resize your image uploads by adding resize property to schema attribute, such as in this example:

schema: {
    logo: {
        name: 'Company Logo',
        default: null,
        type: ModelFactory.types.STRING,
        content_type: 'image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif',
        resize: ['c100', 's600x600', 's1200x1200']

Please note, that uploads are saved in store as their public URLs, not as a binary. Therefore in order to save uploads, your model definition needs to have uploads attribute, which is an object with two params: path and path_public, where path is path to upload folder on the server, and path_public is a path to the upload relative to your domain, e.g.:

uploads: {
    path: '/home/ubuntu/myproject/node/public/uploads/',
    path_public: '/uploads/'

You can generate path in your app.js as follows:

var uploads = {
    path_public: '/uploads/'
uploads.path = __dirname + '/public' + config.uploads.path_public;

Uploaded images will be saved in the provided path and will be persisted in the store as public path, e.g. /uploads/3e192ca4fa8ec546cdb6ef6e2ab55b00.jpg.

Image sizes

Image sizes are listed in the resize param of the attribute schema and you can add as many size definitions as you want. There are two notations for the image sizes:

  • Crop: cXXX, e.g. c100 which will generate thumbs 100x100px centered in the middle of the original image
  • Resize: sXXXxYYY, e.g. s600x600 which will generate image with either size up to 600px wide or high

All additional sizes are saved using image basename followed with _{size}.ext, e.g. 3e192ca4fa8ec546cdb6ef6e2ab55b00_c100.jpg or 3e192ca4fa8ec546cdb6ef6e2ab55b00_s600x600.jpg.

Image resizer required Imagemagick to be installed on your host.


Prometheus does validation by data type as long as you use type property in schema item description. But if attribute's value requires more specific validation, you can add a validate property to schema item. For example, if you want to know if value is a number Pi (to a certain proximity), you can add a validator:

schema: {
    pi: {
        name: 'Pi',
        default: null,
        type: ModelFactory.types.NUMBER,
        validate: function(val) {
            return val / Math.PI > 0.999;

Object Pool

In order to helm minimize memory usage by reusing model instances, Prometheus (somewhat) implements Object Pool Pattern, reusable Obj class. model_factory.js has a hash with arrays of model instances by model name. In order to take advantage of OPP, all you have to do is use your model constructor without new keyword (e.g. model = DeviceModel({ id: id }, { req: req });), and releasing model back to the pool by calling model.release() when you don't plan to use this model any more (e.g. after ending request with res.send()). Calling model.release() marks it as available and resets all initial attributes and event listeners for this model. Next time you attempt to create a model without new, ModelConstructor will try to find an available model instance of this type, initialize it again and return, or create new one and add to the pool if there are no free instances.

Cleanup of unused model instances

By default pool of model instances is never clean up. You can initiate cleaning up unused models by calling reusable.cleanup() as in the following code:

var prometheus   = require('prometheus'),
    reusable     = prometheus.reusable,
    ModelFactory = prometheus.factory;

reusable.cleanup(ModelFactory, 30000); // where last param is interval delay in ms

At any time you can stop cleanup of models by running reusable.stop().

Schema properties


  • name — {String} Friendly name for this attribute, e.g. "UserModel"
  • default — {Mixed} Default attribute value, e.g. null, "changeme", etc.
  • type — {String} Data type from list of constants in ModelFactory.types


  • validate — {Function} that validates attribute value (see above)
  • permitted — {Array} Permitted values
  • content_type — {String} Comma separated mime types, default text/plain
  • resize — {Array} Desired image sizes (see above)
  • maxlength — {Number} Number if string has a maximum length
  • maketag — {Function} that returns a custom HTML tag for this field
  • readonly — {Boolean} True if user is not allowed to change value
  • sync — {Boolean} False if should not be synced with store
  • index — {String} Type of index, e.g. UNIQUE, FULLTEXT etc.
  • required — {Boolean} true if value can not be empty, null or default


Prometheus has model level permissions management. Defining permissions is optional. If permission rules are not defined, all permissions are set to true.

Defining permissions

You can define permissions for models by adding permissions and roles properties to model_options of a model, as in the example below. permissions is a hash with key-value pairs, where keys are CRUD operations and values are arrays with user roles, able to perform corresponding operations:

permissions: {
    'create'   : ['admin'],
    'read'     : ['admin', 'user', 'guest'],
    'update'   : ['admin', 'user'],
    'destroy'  : ['admin'],
    'transfer' : ['admin']

Two built-in roles are app and guest: if you do no pass req to the model constructor in the options, we assume that this model is not created within a function handling a route, so it's created elsewhere by the application. At the other hand, if req was passed with options, we assume that model is created as a result of HTTP(S) request by a user, who by default is a guest.

roles is a hash of functions which return promises resolved with boolean result of permission checks:

roles: {
    user: function (model, req) {
        var def = deferred(),
            pass = !!(req && req.session.user);

        def.resolve({ user: pass });
        return def.promise;

    admin: function (model, req) {
        var def = deferred(),
            pass = !!(req && req.session.user && req.session.user.roles.indexOf('admin') !== -1);

        def.resolve({ admin: pass });
        return def.promise;

Above example adds custom user role checks for user and admin, where user is anyone with user hash inside req.session and admin is a user whose roles hash contains "admin".

Please note that all of these functions return a promise — this is important because in Prometheus' internals we use to check all permissions. We did this on purpose because some permission checkers may be asyncronous.

Handling 403 Forbidden situations

If you are using any method on the model that involves CRUD operations, and user's permissions are insufficient to do a certain operation on the model, an error event will fire on the model, which you can handle by subscribing to it where you instantiate the model:

var model = new UserModel({ email: '' }, { req: req });

model.on('error', function(err) {
    res.send(403, err.toString());

model.ready(function(model) {
    model.set('foo', 'bar');;

Above example will send client "403 Forbidden" headers if session user does not have update rights.



  • Changed checking permissions during CRUD ops from event-based to synchronous
  • (this is bad but) Formbuilder has been altered to add Bootstrap 3 classes to form elements


  • Implemented clean up of unused model instances at a set interval
  • Added PASSWORD data type. For this type, toForm() generates <input type="password"> tag. This type validates as STRING.
  • Fixed MongoDB store find() bug that prevented from using queries. Now JSON string queries are parsed to objects.


  • Fixed an issue with EventEmitter being a part of model prototype instead of model instance which caused firing events on all models of the same type
  • Implemented Object Pool Pattern


  • Added typecasting to values parsed by parseForm
  • Added optional required attribute to schema
  • Added check for required attribute, PRIMARY and UNIQUE indexes in model validator
  • Misc. bug fixes


  • Added ability to create and remove indexes on the store's collections
  • Removed unique param from schema; use index: ModelFactory.indexes.UNIQUE instead


  • Refactored evt_handlers.js
  • Fixed examples


  • Moved some event handlers in model_factory.js initializer to separate dependencies
  • Changed model.find() attributes to accept only query and options
  • Removed multiline param from schema descriptions; use datatypes.TEXT instead


  • Instantiating model arguments changed to query and [options]
  • Model constructor does not return promise any more; it returns self (model)
  • If model is not found with a query, model.ready is resolved with this, not null as in previous versions. This allows you not to have to instantiate a new blank model, but instead reuse existing model instance
  • Added model-level permissions


  • Added setters and getters for model attributes
  • Removed built-in validators
  • Added implicit check for changes in model attributes before update
  • Refactored destroy() method


  • Refactored image uploader
  • Added image resizer. Note that image resizer needs imagemagick to be installed.