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Shorebird CLI

🚧 This project is under heavy development 🚧

❗️ Currently, only Android arm64 release builds are supported but we are working on expanding to other platforms/architectures.

The Shorebird command-line allows developers to interact with various Shorebird services. We're currently focusing on CodePush but the Shorebird CLI will continue to expand as we add more capabilities.


curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh



Get started by initializing shorebird in your current project.

# 1. Creates a new app (if one doesn't exist) with a stable channel.
# 2. Generates a shorebird.yaml (if one doesn't exist).
# 3. Adds the shorebird.yaml to the pubspec.yaml flutter assets.
shorebird init


shorebird init
✓ Initialized Shorebird (27ms)

🐦 Shorebird initialized successfully!

✅ A shorebird app has been created.
✅ A "shorebird.yaml" has been created.
✅ The "pubspec.yaml" has been updated to include "shorebird.yaml" as an asset.

Reference the following commands to get started:

🚙 To run your project use: "shorebird run".
📦 To build your project use: "shorebird build".
🚀 To push a new update use: "shorebird patch".

For more information, visit


Request an API key and use shorebird login to authenticate:

shorebird login


shorebird login
? Please enter your API Key: <API-KEY>
✓ Logging into (7ms)
You are now logged in.


To sign out and remove an existing session, use the shorebird logout command:

shorebird logout


shorebird logout
✓ Logging out of (1ms)


To see information about your Shorebird account, use the shorebird account command.

shorebird account


$ shorebird account
You are logged in as <>


To check your environment for common issues, use the shorebird doctor command.

shorebird doctor


$ shorebird doctor

Shorebird v0.0.3

✓ Shorebird is up-to-date (0.7s)
✓ Flutter install is correct (0.1s)
✓ AndroidManifest.xml files contain INTERNET permission (26ms)

No issues detected!

Create App

To create an app use the shorebird apps create command. An app id can be specified as a CLI option but shorebird will default to the app_id defined in the shorebird.yaml

# Create an app using default app id
shorebird apps create

# Create an app using an explicit app id
shorebird apps create --app-id "my-app-id"


shorebird apps create
? Enter the App ID (default_id) my_app_id
Created new app: my_app_id

Delete App

To delete an existing app on Shorebird, use the shorebird apps delete command. An app-id can be specified as a CLI option but shorebird will default to the app_id defined in the shorebird.yaml

# Create an app using default app id
shorebird apps delete

# Create an app using an explicit app id
shorebird apps delete --app-id "my-app-id"


shorebird apps delete
? Enter the App ID (default_id) my_app_id
Deleting an app is permanent. Continue? (y/N) Yes
Deleted app: my_app_id

List Apps

List all existing apps in Shorebird using the shorebird apps list command:

shorebird apps list


shorebird apps list
📱 Apps
│ Name              │ ID                                   │ Release │ Patch │
│ Shorebird Counter │ 30370f27-dbf1-4673-8b20-fb096e38dffa │ 1.0.0   │ 1     │
│ Shorebird Clock   │ 05b45471-a5f3-48cd-b26a-da29d95914a7 │ --      │ --    │


Run an existing application using the Shorebird Engine via the shorebird run command:

shorebird run

❗️Note: If it's the first time using shorebird, shorebird run will download and build the shorebird engine which may take some time. The shorebird engine will be cached for subsequent runs.


Builds and submits your app to Shorebird. Shorebird saves the compiled Dart code from your application in order to make smaller updates to your app.

# 1. Generate a release build.
# 2. Create a release in Shorebird
# 3. Upload the release artifact to Shorebird.
shorebird release


$ shorebird release
✓ Building release (5.1s)
✓ Fetching apps (0.2s)

What is the version of this release? (1.0.0) 1.0.0

🚀 Ready to create a new release!

📱 App: My App (30370f27-dbf1-4673-8b20-fb096e38dffa)
📦 Release Version: 1.0.0
🕹️ Platform: android (arm64, arm32, x86)

Would you like to continue? (y/N) Yes
✓ Fetching releases (55ms)
✓ Creating release (45ms)
✓ Creating artifacts (4.6s)

✅ Published Release!

Your next step is to upload the app bundle to the Play Store.

See the following link for more information:


The patch command allows developers to upload new patches (updates) of their Flutter application to the Shorebird CodePush API. These updates are then pushed directly to users' devices.

# Publish the artifacts
# 1. Builds the artifacts (equivalent to a shorebird build)
# 2. Creates a new patch if one does not exist
# 3. Uploads the artifacts as part of the patch
# 4. Promotes the patch to the "stable" channel
shorebird patch


shorebird patch
✓ Building patch (16.2s)
✓ Fetching apps (0.1s)

Which release is this patch for? (0.1.0) 0.1.0

🚀 Ready to publish a new patch!

📱 App: My App (61fc9c16)
📦 Release Version: 0.1.0
📺 Channel: stable
🕹️ Platform: android (arm64, arm32, x86)

Would you like to continue? (y/N) Yes
✓ Fetching release (41ms)
✓ Fetching release artifacts (43ms)
✓ Downloading release artifacts (0.2s)
✓ Creating artifacts (0.3s)
✓ Uploading artifacts (43ms)
✓ Fetching channels (40ms)
✓ Promoting patch to stable (43ms)

✅ Published Patch!


Build a new release of your application using the shorebird build command:

# Build an AppBundle
shorebird build appbundle

# Build an APK
shorebird build apk

List Channels

See all available channels for your application using the shorebird channels list command:

shorebird channels list


shorebird channels list
📱 App ID: 61fc9c16-3c4a-4825-a155-9765993614aa
📺 Channels
│ Name        │
│ stable      │
│ development │

Create Channels

Create a new channel for your application using the shorebird channels create command:

shorebird channels create --name MyChannel


shorebird channels create --name MyChannel

🚀 Ready to create a new channel!

📱 App ID: 485df03f-f522-4242-bf3d-31c0869bacac
📺 Channel: MyChannel

Would you like to continue? (y/N) Yes
✓ Creating channel (0.2s)

✅ New Channel Created!

Cancel Subscription

Cancel your Shorebird subscription using shorebird subscription cancel command:

shoreburd subscription cancel


$ shorebird subscription cancel
This will cancel your Shorebird subscription. Are you sure? (y/N) Yes
Your subscription has been canceled.


The shorebird command-line tool

Usage: shorebird <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help            Print this usage information.
-v, --version         Print the current version.
    --[no-]verbose    Noisy logging, including all shell commands executed.

Available commands:
  apps       Manage your Shorebird apps.
  build      Build a new release of your application.
  channels   Manage the channels for your Shorebird app.
  doctor     Show information about the installed tooling.
  init       Initialize Shorebird.
  login      Login as a new Shorebird user.
  logout     Logout of the current Shorebird user
  patch      Publish new patches for a specific release to Shorebird.
  release    Builds and submits your app to Shorebird.
  run        Run the Flutter application.
  upgrade    Upgrade your copy of Shorebird.

Run "shorebird help <command>" for more information about a command.