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Modeling Simple Boolean Expressions

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module BooleanOr where

open import Data.Bool.Base using (Bool ; true ; false)

infix 2infix 22 _+_
infixr 18 _∧_
infixr 18 _∨_

Warm Up: Basic Logic Connectives


--        ∀ P Q. P -> Q -> P
--        Λ P Q. λ (p : P) (q : Q). p
prop-f1 : (P : Set)  (Q : Set)  P  Q  P
prop-f1 = λ P Q  λ p q  p

prop-f2 : (P : Set)  (Q : Set)  (R : Set) 
          (Q  R)  (P  Q)  (P  R)
prop-f2 = λ P Q R g f x  g (f x)


The constructor AndProofs has type P → Q → P ∧ Q.

data _∧_ (P : Set) (Q : Set) : Set where
    AndProofs :  P        
                 P ∧ Q
and-left :  P Q 
                P ∧ Q  P
and-left P Q (AndProofs p q) = p

and-right :  P Q 
                P ∧ Q  Q
and-right P Q (AndProofs p q) = q


data _∨_ (P : Set) (Q : Set) : Set where

    LeftProof  :        P        
                      P ∨ Q

    RightProof :        Q        
                      P ∨ Q

disjunction-elim :  P Q  (R : Set) 
                      (P  R) 
                      (Q  R) 
                      (P ∨ Q  R)
disjunction-elim P Q R f g (LeftProof p)  = f p
disjunction-elim P Q R f g (RightProof q) = g q

A Language for Boolean Expressions

The Terms in the Language and Their Denotation

data LB : Set where
  tt  : LB
  ff  : LB
  _+_ : LB  LB  LB

expr1 = ff + ff
expr2 = ff + (tt + ff)
expr3 = (ff + (ff + (ff + tt))) + ff
sem : LB  Bool
sem tt = true
sem ff = false
sem (b₁ + b₂) with sem b₁
sem (b₁ + b₂) | true  = true
sem (b₁ + b₂) | false = sem b₂

The Operational Semantics

data _Rᵣ_ : LB  LB  Set where

    R-true  :  b 
                        (tt + b) Rᵣ tt

    R-false :  b 
                        (ff + b) Rᵣ b
reduction1 : (tt + ff) Rᵣ tt
reduction1 = R-true ff

reduction2 : (ff + (tt + ff)) Rᵣ (tt + ff)
reduction2 = R-false (tt + ff)
data Value : LB  Set where
  V-tt : Value tt
  V-ff : Value ff

value-to-bool :  {b}  Value b  Bool
value-to-bool {.tt} V-tt = true
value-to-bool {.ff} V-ff = false
prop-r1 :  b₁ b₂ b 
            ((b₁ + b₂) Rᵣ b)  Value b₁
prop-r1 .tt b₂ .tt (R-true  .b₂) = V-tt
prop-r1 .ff b₂ .b₂ (R-false .b₂) = V-ff
data _⟶_ : LB  LB  Set where

    S-inc :  {b₁ b₂} 
                      b₁ Rᵣ b₂         
                      b₁ ⟶ b₂

    S-plusL :  {b₂ b₁ b₁′} 
                            b₁  ⟶ b₁′           
                      (b₁ + b₂) ⟶ (b₁′ + b₂)

reduction3 : (tt + ff) ⟶ tt
reduction3 = S-inc (R-true ff)

reduction4 : (tt + ff) + (ff + ff) ⟶ tt + (ff + ff)
reduction4 = S-plusL (S-inc (R-true ff))

data _⟶*_ : LB  LB  Set where
    TR-refl :  {b} 
                           b ⟶* b

    TR-step :  {b₂ b₁ b₃} 
                      b₁ ⟶  b₂        
                      b₂ ⟶* b₃        
                      b₁ ⟶* b₃

The Soundness of the Denotation

data _≡_ {A : Set} : A  A  Set where
  refl :  a 
               a ≡ a

prop-r2 :  b₁ b₂ 
            ((b₁ + b₂) Rᵣ tt)    (b₁ ≡ tt) ∨ (b₂ ≡ tt)
prop-r2 .tt b2  (R-true .b2)  = LeftProof (refl tt)
prop-r2 .ff .tt (R-false .tt) = RightProof (refl tt)

prop-r3 :  b₁ b₂ 
            ((b₁ + b₂) Rᵣ ff)    (b₁ ≡ ff) ∧ (b₂ ≡ ff)
prop-r3 .ff .ff (R-false .ff) = AndProofs (refl ff) (refl ff)
sem-equiv :  {b b′}  (b ⟶ b′)  (sem b ≡ sem b′)
sem-equiv (S-inc (R-true b))   = refl true
sem-equiv (S-inc (R-false b′)) = refl (sem b′)
sem-equiv {b = b₁ + _} {b′ = b₁′ + b₂} (S-plusL b⟶b′)
  with sem b₁ | sem b₁′ | sem-equiv b⟶b′
... | true  | .true  | refl .true  = refl true
... | false | .false | refl .false = refl (sem b₂)

trans :  {A}  {a : A}  {b : A}  {c : A} 
          a ≡ b  b ≡ c  a ≡ c
trans (refl a) (refl .a) = refl a

sem-sound1 :  {b v} 
  (b ⟶* v) 
  (pf:v : Value v) 
  sem b ≡ value-to-bool pf:v
sem-sound1 TR-refl V-tt = refl true
sem-sound1 TR-refl V-ff = refl false
sem-sound1 (TR-step b⟶b2 b2⟶*v) pf:v
  with sem-equiv b⟶b2 | sem-sound1 b2⟶*v pf:v
... | sem-trans-eq | sem-v-eq = trans sem-trans-eq sem-v-eq
data  (A : Set) (B : A  Set) : Set where
  witness : (a : A)  (b : B a)  ∃ A B

values-exist : ∃ LB (λ b  Value b)
values-exist = witness ff V-ff

split-reduction-sequence :
   {v b₁ b₂} 
    (b₁ + b₂ ⟶* v) 
    Value v 
    ∃ LB (λ v₁ 
           (b₁ ⟶* v₁) ∧ (Value v₁) ∧
           ((v₁ ≡ tt ∧ v ≡ tt) ∨
            (v₁ ≡ ff ∧ (b₂ ⟶* v))))
split-reduction-sequence (TR-step (S-inc (R-true _))  TR-refl)    pf:v =
  witness _ (AndProofs TR-refl (AndProofs V-tt (LeftProof (AndProofs (refl tt) (refl tt)))))
split-reduction-sequence (TR-step (S-inc (R-true _))  (TR-step (S-inc ()) _)) pf:v
split-reduction-sequence (TR-step (S-inc (R-false _)) b2⟶*v)    pf:v =
  witness _ (AndProofs TR-refl (AndProofs V-ff (RightProof (AndProofs (refl ff) b2⟶*v))))
split-reduction-sequence (TR-step (S-plusL b1⟶b1′)   b1′b2⟶*v) pf:v
  with split-reduction-sequence b1′b2⟶*v pf:v
... | witness v1 (AndProofs b1′⟶*v1 pf:others) =
  witness _ (AndProofs (TR-step b1⟶b1′ b1′⟶*v1) pf:others)

sem-sound2 :  {b v} 
  (b ⟶* v) 
  (pf:v : Value v) 
  sem b ≡ value-to-bool pf:v
sem-sound2 TR-refl V-tt = refl true
sem-sound2 TR-refl V-ff = refl false
sem-sound2 (TR-step (S-inc (R-true b))  tt⟶*v) pf:v =
  sem-sound2 tt⟶*v pf:v
sem-sound2 (TR-step (S-inc (R-false b2)) b2⟶*v) pf:v =
  sem-sound2 b2⟶*v pf:v
sem-sound2 b⟶*v@(TR-step (S-plusL {b₁ = b1} _) _) pf:v
  with split-reduction-sequence b⟶*v pf:v
sem-sound2 b⟶*v@(TR-step (S-plusL {b₁ = b1} _) _) pf:v
  | witness v1 (AndProofs b1⟶*v1 (AndProofs pf:v1 pf:cases))
  with pf:v1 | sem b1 | sem-sound2 b1⟶*v1 pf:v1
sem-sound2 b⟶*v@(TR-step (S-plusL {b₁ = b1} _) _) pf:v
  | witness v1 (AndProofs b1⟶*v1 (AndProofs pf:v1 pf:cases))
  | V-tt | .(value-to-bool V-tt) | refl ._ with pf:cases | pf:v
... | LeftProof  (AndProofs _  (refl .tt)) | V-tt = refl true
... | RightProof (AndProofs () b2⟶*v)     | pf:v
sem-sound2 b⟶*v@(TR-step (S-plusL {b₁ = b1} _) _) pf:v
  | witness v1 (AndProofs b1⟶*v1 (AndProofs pf:v1 pf:cases))
  | V-ff | .(value-to-bool V-ff) | refl ._ with pf:cases
... | LeftProof  (AndProofs () v=tt)
... | RightProof (AndProofs _  b2⟶*v) = sem-sound2 b2⟶*v pf:v

An Application

data HasT : LB  Set where
    HT-here :
               HasT tt

    HT-left :  {b₁ b₂} 
                      HasT b₁        
                  HasT (b₁ + b₂)

    HT-right :  {b₁ b₂} 
                     HasT b₂        
                 HasT (b₁ + b₂)
sem-hast-tt :  {b}  HasT b  sem b ≡ true
sem-hast-tt HT-here = refl true
sem-hast-tt (HT-left  {b1} {b2} has-t) with sem b1 | sem-hast-tt has-t
... | .true | refl true = refl true
sem-hast-tt (HT-right {b1} {b2} has-t) with sem b1
... | true  = refl true
... | false = sem-hast-tt has-t

sym :  {A}  {a : A}  {b : A}  a ≡ b  b ≡ a
sym (refl a) = refl a

goto-tt :  {b v} 
             HasT b 
             (b ⟶* v) ∧ Value v 
             v ≡ tt
goto-tt has-t (AndProofs b⟶*v V-tt) = refl tt
goto-tt has-t (AndProofs b⟶*v V-ff)
  with trans (sym (sem-hast-tt has-t)) (sem-sound1 b⟶*v V-ff)
... | ()