Releases: shells-dw/streamdeck-totalmix
Releases · shells-dw/streamdeck-totalmix
[3.3.5] - 2023-03-28
- Remote OSC instances (on another host) are working now. Please refer to the corresponding documentation, thanks for @roguedarkjedi for pointing that out and making a PR (I did not merge in the end, sorry), I totally forgot about that.
- Various minor changes I came across over time, all under the hood, nothing UI facing.
- Added documentation for remote host config.
[3.3.4] - 2023-01-15
- Config flag "killAndRestartOnStuck" (default off) which does exactly that (or tries to at least) and should resolve the issue with TotalMix not responding to OSC requests after the PC went to sleep (which is not an issue of this plugin, but TotalMix) or for other reasons.
Note that there's a snag to it (as with everything concerning TotalMix 🙄) - TotalMix stores everything you set, do, toggle, or otherwise interact with the UI in a config file, however it does this only when it exits gracefully. When it's killed, nothing is saved. Brilliant, isn't it.
That means that if the plugin kills TotalMix and restarts it, to reenable the OSC servers, changes you made during the runtime of the TotalMix UI will not have been saved. Keep that in mind.
- Readme now has a more detailed explanation about the config parameters hidden behind a dropdown in the respective section.
[3.3.3] - 2023-01-14
- Added a check for the background mirroring task if the OSC listener is still active or not after the plugin has successfully started, preventing an infinite loop that would occur otherwise. Now, the mirroring task will stop until the background OSC listener is available again, then resume (and the icons will flash briefly to let the user know something's up).
[3.3.1] - 2023-01-12
- PI bug that could lead to channel selection reverting back to Input channel 1 without reflecting that on the UI if function was selected shortly after channel, hence rendering button functions ending up acting on the wrong channel
[3.3.0] - 2023-01-11
- Control Channel now has the option to incrementally lower or raise volume levels (including the option to set a multiplier for the step size)
- Trigger Global Function now has the option to incrementally lower or raise Main volume levels
[3.3.0] - 2023-01-11
- Control Channel now has the option to incrementally lower or raise volume levels (including the option to set a multiplier for the step size)
- Trigger Global Function now has the option to incrementally lower or raise Main volume levels
[3.2.1] - 2022-12-27
- Mirroring is globally on for the plugin by default now. Removed option to mirror single buttons from the UI to unclutter the menu. Instead there is now a global setting to disable mirroring completely. Once mirroring is set up and working, there should not be a need to mirror or not mirror single buttons.
- Channel Toggle functions wouldn't work with mirroring disabled
- Channel selection list would be empty with mirroring disabled
- Updating from Marketplace version (or any other old version for that matter) would break existing buttons. While it is not impossible for existing buttons to break, this should be happening only occassionally, not for sure.
- Clarified in README.MD that updating requires to enable the second OSC endpoint.
- Global settings to disable mirroring and - if set - configure channel amount.
[3.2.0] - 2022-12-21
- Channel names >9 are now displayed correctly
- Actions now update the current channel count automatically in the drop down list (before, the channel count was only checked when adding a button, then saved in the corresponding action settings and never reevaluated again)
Fix attempt
- Crash caused by waiting for a callback on async reading a socket that was already disposed. I call it fix attempt as I did not yet find the reason why this happens in the first place, it has been a b[...] to track down as it could happen after several hours of plugin runtime on my machine, so for now the exception is caught and the plugin shouldn't crash from it anymore. Depending the actual root cause this may or may not lead to the mirroring getting stuck. Please report issues if it does. As said, I had a hard time to actually get that crash on my machine with my interface.