This project contains a Solidity smart contract (GoogleForm.sol
) designed to emulate a Google Form on the blockchain. Solidity is a statically-typed programming language used for writing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms, including Ethereum.
- Submit Form: Users can submit their name, USN (University Serial Number), phone number, and email address.
- Retrieve Entries: Only the contract owner can retrieve all form entries submitted.
- Change Ownership: Allows the current owner to transfer ownership of the contract to a new address.
- Install Ganache for a local Ethereum blockchain environment.
- Install Truffle for compiling, deploying, and managing smart contracts.
Compile and Deploy
- Compile the
contract using Truffle. - Deploy the contract to the local Ganache blockchain network.
truffle compile truffle migrate --network ganache
Ensure you have configured Ganache correctly in the Truffle configuration file (
). - Compile the
Contract Address and Owner
- Note down the deployed contract address and the owner's address (your address when deploying locally).
For detailed instructions on interacting with the deployed contract using Web3.js, please navigate to the google-form-api