This software is a tool for computational homology for both cellular complexes and induced homology on maps. It is based on discrete Morse theory. It is used to compute Conley indices in the Conley-Morse-Database project.
See "LICENSE" for license details. See "INSTALL" for more installation notes.
- boost
- CImg
- X11
- First install dependencies.
- Then, either:
To install into the system, i.e. /usr/local
install with
Install via
./ --prefix=/path/to/install/folder
For macOS the easiest way to install dependencies is with "homebrew"
Install homebrew via
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install dependencies via
brew install boost
brew install cimg
To install X11, follow the instructions on
To install CHomP:
git clone
cd CHomP
To test an example:
chomp-simplicial ./examples/simplex.simp
chomp-cubical ./examples/square.cub
File format: a list of new-line separated d-tuples, where d is the dimension of the cubical complex, and the tuples represent d-dimensional cubes which will be added to the complex (along with all of their faces):
Example: (Annulus-like shape made out of squares)
(0, 1)
(0, 2)
(1, 0)
(1, 2)
(2, 0)
(2, 1)
(2, 2)
chomp-simplicial ./examples/simplex.simp
File format: each line represents a simplex in the complex given by its vertices. For each simplex encountered, the simplex and all of its faces are generated. For instance 0 1 2
constructs a 2-cell, 3 1-cells, and 3 0-cells. The line 4
would create a single 0-cell corresponding to the vertex 4. Because subfaces are automatically created, it is sufficient to include maximal simplices (though allowed to include all)
Example: (Tetrahedron along with an isolated vertex)
0 1 2
0 1 3
0 2 3
1 2 3
chomp-matrix ./examples/torus.mat
File format: The format is in terms of a sparse matrix representation of the boundary maps n
, where i j k
indicating that $d_{n}{i,j} = k$, i.e. the jth cell in $C{n+1}$ has in its boundary
Example: (Torus; 1 2d-cell, 2 1d-cells, and 1 1d cell)
0 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
Documentation can be found here.
Please e-mail Shaun Harker about problems or feature requests.