A small command-line tool written in Go that let's you fetch the entire catalogue/library of artists from Spotify.
It is supercharged with the help of Cobra and implements OAuth2 for authentication.
- Go version v1.12
Run Morag by issuing the following commands:
λ go build
Useful help text is also available when the command is used alone.
λ ./morag
Morag lets your download the entire catalog/library of an artist
from Spotify and saves it to a csv file. It uses OAuth2 for authentication.
Issue the login command to start fetching data from Spotify
morag [flags]
morag [command]
Available Commands:
fetch Fetches track information for an artist.
help Help about any command
login Login connects you to your Spotify account.
logout Logs out a current user.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.morag.yaml)
-h, --help help for morag
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "morag [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Morag spawns a mini-server to implement the OAuth2 handshake. To fascilitate that you need to create a small non-commercial app on Spotify.
- Head over to Spotify Dashboard and create an application.
- Export the
as environment variables
Then, run the following command to initiate the authentication process:
λ ./morag login
Here's a sneak peak as to how it's done.
Note: To load environment variables if you're a terminal girl/guy, you might want to use direnv. Simply, make the variables present in
In reference to the following conversation:
"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag."
"Is that a person?"
"No, Quill's a person. Morag's a planet."
― Rocket Raccoon and War Machine
Morag is an oceanic planet located in the Andromeda Galaxy at the Eclipsing Binary Star M31V J00443799+4129236. © Marvel.
Well this is kind of a learning project, feel free to fork it and happy hacking :)
Copyright © 2019 Shashank Srivastav