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Explainer for AbortSignal.any(), a new DOM API that enables combining AbortSignals

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Aborting ongoing async work in response to user actions has user-facing benefits, e.g. decreasing resource consumption due to wasted cycles (battery) and packets (battery, data). Newer async APIs are often designed to accept an AbortSignal for cancellation, but what happens when the abort could come from multiple sources?

Some async operations may be aborted due to a variety of reasons, e.g. due to timeout or user cancellation. And while nothing prevents an AbortController's abort method from being invoked for multiple reasons, combining signals enables separate layers of control, where the scope of cancellation may vary.

Since AbortSignal-accepting APIs only accept a single signal, combining signals currently needs to be done in userland using event listeners, but this is complicated by challenges around memory leaks.

To solve this problem, we propose AbortSignal.any(signals). This API creates an AbortSignal that is aborted when any of the signals passed to it are aborted. This makes it easy to combine signals, and by allowing the UA to maintain these relationships, the UA can free related resources when safe to do so.

Use Cases

  1. Combining a top-level signal (e.g. entire task) with a finer-grained-signal (e.g. subtask). For example, switching the view in a single page app (tab click, etc.) might cancel all ongoing async operations, but scrolling that same view might only cancel a subset of the work (e.g. scrolling an infinite list).

  2. Combining an AbortSignal with a timeout. For example, an AbortSignal might be used to cancel all ongoing fetches in response to user input (e.g. user clicks cancel), but the same fetches also might be canceled by a timeout.

See also the discussion that motivated this proposal.

Userland Solutions

It's possible to chain signals together using using event listeners:

const topLevelController = new AbortController();
  const subtaskController = new AbortController();
  topLevelController.signal.addEventListener('abort', () => {

But care must be taken to avoid memory leaks. In this example, subtaskController and its signal will remain alive as long as topLevelController.signal remains alive. For long-lived top-level signals, this can be problematic, especially if a lot of signals are linked. This can be fixed by removing the event listener on the parent signal when subtaskController either aborts or never will (e.g. when it goes out of scope), but this is non-trivial to implement in userland.


  • Create an ergonomic API that enables combining AbortSignals and avoids the memory leaks inherent to the addEventListener userland approach
  • Replace the AbortSignal follow algorithm with a new primitive to be used in existing specs (fetch) and in specifiying this API


  • It is a non-goal to provide additional primitives for userland signal memory management, e.g. AbortController.prototype.close() or weak event listeners


AbortSignal.any() returns a new AbortSignal that will be aborted if any of the provided signals are aborted.

const controllers = [new AbortController(), new AbortController()];
// Combine the signals of |controllers| into a new signal.
const signal = AbortSignal.any([controllers[0].signal, controllers[1].signal]);

// Randomly pick one of the two controllers to abort.
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2);

// Always true since |signal| follows both of the controllers' signals.
console.log(signal.aborted);  // true.


If an empty array is passed to AbortSignal.any(), the signal it returns will never be aborted:

const signal = AbortSignal.any([]);


console.log(signal.aborted);  // Always false.

Key scenarios

Chaining Signals

This example shows how to chain a top-level AbortSignal passed to a function with a signal for a specific subtask. The scenario is a page that displays information in tiles, with each tile being individually abortable (e.g. through the user closing it) or aborted en masse (e.g. the user closing the whole panel).

// Load an individual tile, aborting the operation if the tile's signal or the
// parentSignal is aborted.
async function loadTile(parentSignal, tile) {
  // In this example, |tile| has a signal tied to its close UI.
  const signal = AbortSignal.any([parentSignal, tile.signal]);

  let contents = await getTileContents(tile, signal);

  await displayTileContents(tile, contents, signal);


Adding a Timeout

Timeouts created with AbortSignal.timeout() can be passed to AbortSignal.any() to create a signal that is aborted either through a timeout or user-initiated cancellation.

// Picking up from the previous example, this is a skeleton for getting data
// for the tile.
async function getTileContents(tile, signal) {
  const signalWithTimeout = AbortSignal.any([signal, AbortSignal.timeout(10_000)]);
  const response = await fetch(tile.url, {signal: signalWithTimeout});
  return response.json();

TaskSignal APIs

TaskSignal inherits AbortSignal.any() since TaskSignal subclasses AbortSignal. It would be natural for TaskSignal.any() to return a TaskSignal, which is the approach we take here. Since TaskSignals have a priority component in addition to an abort component, we also need to consider how to instantiate priority.

Unlike combining multiple abort sources, we don't know of any use cases for combining multiple priority sources, and do not think this would be a common or recommended practice. As such, the requirements for combining TaskSignals differ: we want to allow combining multiple abort sources with at most one priority source.

To achieve this, TaskSignal.any(signals) will take an additional optional options bag with a priority parameter: TaskSignal.any(signals, {priority}), where priority can be either a priority string or TaskSignal. The sections that follow describe the various combinations of parameters and illustrate the flexibility this provides.


TaskSignal.any(signals) returns a TaskSignal whose abort component is composed of all the abort components of the signals and whose priority is the default priority ("user-visible"). This signal is interchangeable with an AbortSignal returned by AbortSignal.any(signals) in terms of abort and priority (as used by scheduler.postTask()).

// |signal| is a TaskSignal.
const signal = TaskSignal.any([signal1, signal2]);
console.log(;    // 'TaskSignal'

// This task will be scheduled at default ('user-visible') priority.
scheduler.postTask(task, {signal});

// Assume |signal1| is tied to |controller1|. |signal| inherits abort from
// |signal1| and |signal2|, so the following will cause |signal| to be aborted.
console.log(signal.aborted);  // false;
console.log(signal.aborted);  // true;


Similar to AbortSignal.any([]), this returns a TaskSignal that will not be aborted. Like TaskSignal.any(signals), the priority is the default priority.

const signal = TaskSignal.any([]);

// Scheduled at default ('user-visible') priority.
scheduler.postTask(task, {signal});


console.log(signal.aborted);  // Always false.

TaskSignal.any(abortSignals, {priority: String})

This variant of TaskSignal.any() returns a TaskSignal with a fixed priority specified by a priority string, which will be aborted if any of abortSignals are aborted.

// |signal| inherits abort from |signal1| and |signal2|, but has 'background'
// priority.
const signal = TaskSignal.any([signal1, signal2], {priority: 'background'});
scheduler.postTask(task, {signal});


// Assume |signal1| is tied to |controller1|.
console.log(signal.aborted);  // false.
console.log(signal.aborted);  // true.

TaskSignal.any(abortSignals, {priority: taskSignal})

This variant of TaskSignal.any() returns a TaskSignal whose priority follows the priority of taskSignal, i.e. its priority is initially set taskSignal.priority and is changed if taskSignal.priority changes. The signal returned will also be aborted if any of abortSignals are aborted, just like TaskSignal.any(abortSignals).

Note: the priority option must be a TaskSignal, not an AbortSignal.

// Represents a top-level signal.
const parentController = new AbortController();
const parentSignal = parentController.signal;


const controller = new TaskController();

// |signal| follows |parentSignal| and |controller.signal| for abort and
// |controller.signal| for priority.
const signal = TaskSignal.any(
  [parentSignal, controller.signal], {priority: controller.signal});

console.log(signal.priority);  // "user-visible"
console.log(signal.priority);  // "background"

// Some time later...
console.log(signal.aborted);  // false
console.log(signal.aborted);  // true

TaskSignal.any([], {priority: String})

If given an empty array of signals for abort, this API returns a signal that will never be aborted. When combined with a priority string, the API returns a fixed priority TaskSignal that will never be aborted.

const signal = TaskSignal.any([], {priority: 'background'});


console.log(signal.priority);    // Always 'background'.
console.log(signal.aborted);     // Always false.

TaskSignal.any([], {priority: taskSignal})

Similarly, this variant of TaskSignal.any() returns a signal that will never be aborted and whose priority follows taskSignal:

const parentController = new TaskController();
const parentSignal = parentController.signal;

const signal = TaskSignal.any([], {priority: parentSignal});

console.log(signal.priority);      // 'user-visible'
console.log(signal.priority);      // 'background'

console.log(signal.aborted);     // false.
console.log(signal.aborted);     // Still false.

Prior Art

.NET has CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource, which enables combining CancellationTokens (their version of AbortSignal).

In Go, Contexts carry a cancellation signal. Derived contexts are analogous to combining AbortSignals: "when a Context is canceled, all Contexts derived from it are also canceled." This example shows deriving a context to cancel a database operation due to either a timeout or HTTP disconnect/error. There's also an open issue about adding a new explicit API for merging contexts.

Detailed Design Discussion

API Shape

There are two primary design questions that led to this API's proposed shape:

  1. Should new abort sources be allowed to be added to existing signals (follow-mutability)?
  2. Should the API be exposed on AbortSignal or AbortController?

These questions lead to four general shapes:

Exposed On Mutable Signal? API (Class)
AbortSignal No AbortSignal.any(signals)
AbortController No new AbortController(signals)
AbortSignal Yes AbortSignal.prototype.follow(signals)
AbortController Yes AbortController.prototype.follow(signals)


This design choice impacts the API's functionality: if allowed, signals passed to APIs like fetch() can be updated after invoking them, i.e. existing signals can gain abort sources after creation.

Is this needed?

Use Cases: The key scenarios described above can be easily solved without mutating signals, and we aren't aware of use cases that require this functionality. As long as a signal does not need to be updated after creation, this functionality is not required.

Prior Art: Follow-mutable signals are not supported by the prior art that we're aware of. .NET exposes this functionality through a factory method, and sources must be specified at construction time. Go supports this functionality through deriving new contexts from a parent and/or timeout at construction time.

Specs: We audited usage of the follow algorithm and signal abort in specs and Chromium and found one instance where modifying an existing signal simplifies things — although this is not specced to use follow and could be rewritten to avoid this pattern. In other cases, using AbortSignal.any() — or adding a clone algorithm — would suffice.

AbortSignal vs. AbortController for follow-mutability

AbortController and AbortSignal were designed such that control of a signal is separate from the signal itself. Exposing follow-mutability through AbortSignal would break the controller/signal separation since any code with access to the signal could abort it. This caused us to eliminate the AbortSignal.prototype.follow class of APIs, but we could be expose follow-mutability through AbortController:

function task(parentSignal) {
  const controller = new AbortController();
  const childSignal = controller.signal;

Added complexity

Follow-mutability would add a non-trivial amount of complexity. Memory management and signal relationship tracking is more complex since signals might acquire abort sources after creation, potentially limiting memory optimizations. For example, the signal graph1 can be flattened to a depth of 1 with follow-immutability, simplifying and optimizing memory management.

There is also additional complexity inherent to exposing the API through AbortController, as discussed in the next section.

Exposure through AbortSignal vs. AbortController

Exposing a signal combinator API through AbortController requires a controller to be created for every composite signal — whether or not it is necessary. Consider for example combining a timeout with an existing top-level parent signal:

function task(parentSignal) {
  // Option 1: AbortController constructor.
  // |controller| is unused except to get its signal.
  const controller = new AbortController([parentSignal, AbortSignal.timeout(1000)]);
  const combinedSignal =  controller.signal;

  // Option 2: With AbortController.prototype.follow().
  // |controller| is unused except to get its signal.
  const controller = new AbortController();
  controller.follow([parentSignal, AbortSignal.timeout(1000)];
  const combinedSignal =  controller.signal;

  // Option 3: With AbortSignal.any().
  const combinedSignal = AbortSignal.any([parentSignal, AbortSignal.timeout(1000)]);

AbortSignal.any() is clearer for this use case, as the intent is obvious and it does not create unnecessary objects. When an additional controller is needed, it can be created and its signal can be combined with others, making the intent clear:

function task(parentSignal) {
  const controller = new AbortController();
  const combinedSignal = AbortSignal.any(
    [parentSignal, controller.signal, AbortSignal.timeout(1000)]);

Prior Art

.NET's approach is equivalent to exposing the API through AbortController, specifically through a factory method that returns an AbortController whose signal.

Like .NET, Go also creates an independent cancellation source (CancelFunc) for the derived context. But the documentation recommends invoking the cancel function after done with the context to free resources, which is different from how AbortController is typically used. If cancellation is not actually needed, the CancelFunc could be ignored using a blank identifier.


Create follow-immutable signals. Based on known use cases and prior art, it's not clear that follow-mutability is needed. Making the API follow-immutable is conceptually simpler and simplifies memory management, while still covering known use cases. Should use cases arise that require mutability, developers can still achieve this in other ways, e.g. an internal API that invokes controller.abort() for the associated controller.

Expose the API through AbortSignal. Exposing the API through AbortSignal is cleaner since it does not conflate controllers and signals — it simply combines signals. If another controller is needed as an abort source, it can be created and its signal can be included in the array of signals. While this is a departure from .NET's approach, it does not limit functionality.

Constructor vs. Factory Method

AbortSignal currently has a private constructor and AbortSingal objects can only be be created indirectly through an AbortController or AbortSignal factory methods. We don't want to change how such existingAbortSignals are constructed, so exposing a combinator through an AbortSignal constructor is not a great conceptual fit since would only create composite signals (and not the constituent signals). It might make sense if we were subclassing AbortSignal, but that is not the approach we take here.

Exposing a signal combinator through a factory method is also consistent with how other AbortSignals are created, e.g. AbortSignal.timeout(), and is analogous to Promise combinators (i.e. Promise.any()).

Should this work with a single signal?

const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
// Is this okay?
const copy = AbortSignal.any([signal]);

Sure! First of all, it's not harmful and matches the behavior of Promise.any(). Second, this can be useful to add local state without modifying the original signal (AbortSignal.any() always returns a new signal). Finally, this is exactly how the signal portion of Request cloning works in the fetch spec.

How does the API handle null signals or empty arrays?

const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;

// Should this throw an exception?
AbortSignal.any([signal, null]);
// What about this?
// What about this?

The current thinking is that null/undefined signals will result in an error and that passing an empty array will return a signal that won't abort. Null/undefined signals could be skipped over, but since there is no way to follow such signals, so throwing an error seems reasonable. On the other hand, an empty array is not necessarily invalid, but corresponds to the case when there is nothing to combine. Intuitively, combining zero signals results in a signal that won't abort. While we could require the array to be non-empty, allowing an empty array makes the API more flexible.

Memory Management/Leaks

Does anything about this API help or hurt with memory management? The signals this API creates are follow-immutable, meaning they can’t be made to follow more signals after they're created. This is a nice property for memory management since we know a signal's children can unfollow it when all of its parents are in a settled state. This would not be the case for exposing the follow algorithm directly.

Considered Alternatives

Other Shapes

AbortSignal.any(...signals) was also considered, but using an array/iterable matches Promise.any(), and that consistency is desirable.

Other Names


Both Promise.any() and Promise.race() return a promise that is dependent on the state of its component promises, so either might be a good analogy for the API under discussion. Both of these promise APIs will fulfill the resulting promise if the first dependent promise that settles is fulfilled. The difference is how they handle rejected promises.

Promises can be in three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected. We can also think of AbortSignals as being in these three states, mapping to promise states as follows:

  1. Pending: the signal is not aborted but might become aborted
  2. Fulfilled: the signal is aborted
  3. Rejected: the signal will not be aborted (e.g. associated with an AbortController that has been GCed)

Promise.race() races fulfillment and rejection, meaning the state of the promise the API returns will match the state of the first dependent promise that settles. The promise returned by Promise.any() is only rejected if all of its dependent promises are rejected. Given the definition of rejection above for AbortSignals, the behavior of the AbortSignal API under discussion matches that of Promise.any(): the resulting signal cannot be considered rejected until all of its component signals will not abort.

So given this mapping — and specifically the definition of signal rejection — Promise.any() is a better analogy because of how it handles rejection.


There are a bunch of verbs that probably work fine (combine(), link(), etc.), but the current name was chosen because of the strong Promise.any() analogy.

Alternative or Additional APIs

AbortSignal.any() presents a relatively high-level solution for combining AbortSignals. There are proposals for primitives which could allow userland AbortSignal combining while avoiding the memory management issues that come with the existing Userland Solutions.

In this section we detail those proposals. Our overall conclusion is that using them would require very careful and complex userland code to get the same benefits as AbortSignal.any(). Although we could consider adding them in the future — in particular, weak event listeners seem like they probably have other non-AbortSignal-related use cases — for targeting the AbortSignal chaining problem, we think they are not the right approach.


It has been suggested that an API for explicitly closing an AbortController could be helpful for this problem — potentially as a way to make this problem more easily solvable in userland. Such an API would transition a signal from a pending state to a rejected state, using the promise analogy, and allow the UA to clear event listeners to help with the memory management.

Knowing when a signal is settled is important for memory management for this problem, but it's possible to determine this through the lifetime of the associated controller. When the controller goes out of scope (i.e. is GCed), its signal can no longer be aborted. Browsers can use this to free resources without needing an explicit close method, which is more in line with JavaScript compared to explicit resource management.

Such explicit memory management might be useful in userland implementations, but can also be approximated with a FinalizationRegistry callback for a controller's signal if only weak references to that signal are being held by the implementation.

Weak Event Listeners

Another proposal in this space is weak event listeners, which could help with userland solutions. The idea is to tie the lifetime of parent signal event listeners the child signal's controller:

AbortSignal.any = function(signals) {
  const controller = new AbortController();
  for (const signal of signals) {
    // UA stores a WeakRef to |controller|, but what should its lifetime be?
    signal.addWeakEventListener('abort', controller, () => { controller.abort(); }
  return controller.signal;

Even with weak event listeners, getting the lifetime of the associated controller is complicated and involves a lot of parent/child relationship management. There are three cases where we want an event listener removed from all parents of a child signal:

  1. When any parent is aborted
  2. When all parents decidedly will not abort
  3. When the signal has no children and no abort event listeners

Weak event listeners would save userland implementations from needing to track and remove event listeners when the above conditions are met, but would not prevent tracking those conditions. And while such an API might be generally useful, we don't feel it solves enough of this problem.

Stakeholder Feedback / Opposition



This work builds off of a previous discussion and work by @shicks exploring this space. Thanks to all the folks involved in that discussion: @annevk, @benjamingr, @benlesh, @bterlson, @domenic, @jakearchibald, @MattiasBuelens, @noseratio, @rbuckton, and @wanderview.

And thanks to @dlras2, @domenic, and @shicks for providing feedback on this proposal.


  1. A signal graph is a directed graph representing the relationships between signals, such that there is an edge from A to B if B follows A. Optimizations based on this graph will be explored in a subsequent design doc.


Explainer for AbortSignal.any(), a new DOM API that enables combining AbortSignals






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