diff --git a/src/definitions/block/global/GlobalForm.vue b/src/definitions/block/global/GlobalForm.vue
index 5e31cd3..46e7cc4 100644
--- a/src/definitions/block/global/GlobalForm.vue
+++ b/src/definitions/block/global/GlobalForm.vue
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
= {
label: "Disable forced value refresh after preset change",
helpText: `If this option isn't enabled, all components will resend their current values once the preset changes.`,
+ EnablePresetChangeWithProgramChangeIn: {
+ block: Block.Global,
+ key: "enablePresetChangeWithProgramChangeIn",
+ type: SectionType.Setting,
+ section: 2,
+ settingIndex: 3,
+ component: FormInputComponent.Toggle,
+ label: "Enable preset change with MIDI Program Change In",
+ helpText: `When enabled, upon receiving MIDI Program Change message (on any interface and any channel) the board will change the preset to cooresponding program change value.`,
+ },
ActivePreset: {
block: Block.Global,
key: "activePreset",