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Adding a dataset

This page describes how to add support for a new dataset. If you want to use a dataset which isn't listed here, then this document is for you.


Datasets come from various sources and in various formats. To use a dataset, one must first download it and store it using a format enabling fast loading.

Adding support for a dataset means specifying:

  • Where the data is coming from (i.e. its URL);
  • What the dataset looks like (i.e. its features);
  • How the data should be split (e.g. TRAIN and TEST);
  • How the data should be stored on disk and fed to the model.

Below is a diagram showing the abstraction layers of the dataset and the transformation from the raw dataset files to the object. The first time a dataset is used, it is downloaded and prepared. The following times it is being used, the dataset is loaded from the pre-prepared data directly.

DatasetBuilder abstraction layers


To add support for a dataset, you must write its "Builder" class, subclass of tfds.core.DatasetBuilder, and implement the following methods:

  • _info, to build the DatasetInfo describing the dataset.
  • _download_and_prepare, to download and serialize the source data to disk;
  • _as_dataset, to produce a from the serialized data.

As a convenience, tfds.core.GeneratorBasedDatasetBuilder is a subclass of tfds.core.DatasetBuilder that simplifies defining a dataset and that works well for most datasets that can be generated on a single machine. Instead of _download_and_prepare and _as_dataset, its subclasses must implement:

  • _generate_samples: to generate the tf.train.Example records that will be written to disk, per dataset split.
  • _split_generators: to define the dataset splits and arguments for _generate_samples per split.

Let's use GeneratorBasedDatasetBuilder, the easier option. first looks like this:

import tensorflow_datasets.public_api as tfds

class MyDataset(tfds.core.GeneratorBasedDatasetBuilder):
  """Short description of my dataset."""

  def _info(self):
    pass # TODO

  def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
    pass  # TODO

  def _generate_samples(self):
    pass  # TODO

Before implementing the methods, we recommend to add a test which can help you iterate faster.

Testing MyDataset

dataset_builder_testing.TestCase is a base TestCase to fully exercise a dataset. It needs a "fake sample" of the source dataset, to be used as testing data.

The "fake sample", to be stored in testing/test_data/fake_samples/ under the my_dataset directory, should mimic the source dataset artifacts as downloaded and extracted. It can be created manually or automatically (example script).

Make sure to use different data in your fake sample splits, as the test will fail if your dataset splits overlap.

The fake sample should not contain any copyrighted material. If in doubt, do not create the sample using material from the original dataset.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_datasets import my_dataset
from tensorflow_datasets.testing import dataset_builder_testing

class MyDatasetTest(dataset_builder_testing.TestCase):
  DATASET_CLASS = my_dataset.MyDataset
  SPLITS = {  # Expected number of records on each split from fake sample.
      "train": 12,
      "test": 12,
  SPEC = {  # What data as returned by the should look like.
      "image_description": (tf.string, ()),
      "image": (tf.uint8, (None, None, 3)),
      "label": (tf.int64, ()),

if __name__ == "__main__":

TODO(pierrot): remove SPEC

Run the test as you proceed to implement MyDataset. By the end of this page, it should pass.

Specifying DatasetInfo

The DatasetInfo stores the information we know about a dataset. For now, let's add what features are part of the dataset and their types. If possible, please also add the approximate size of the dataset. For example:

class MyDataset(tfds.core.GeneratorBasedDatasetBuilder):

  def _info(self):
    return tfds.core.DatasetInfo(,
        description=("This is the dataset for xxx. It contains yyy. The "
                     "images are kept at their original dimensions."),
        # Features specify the shape and dtype of the loaded data, as returned
        # by It also abstract the encoding/decoding of the
        # data into disk.
            "image_description": tfds.features.Text(),
            "image": tfds.features.Image(),
            # Here, labels can be of 5 distinct values.
            "label": tfds.features.ClassLabel(num_classes=5),
        # When using .as_dataset(split=..., as_supervised=True), a tuple
        # (input_feature, output_feature) will be returned instead of the
        # full dict.
        # This is useful as this correspond to Keras input format.
        supervised_keys=("image", "label"),
        # Homepage of the dataset. Not used anywhere except for documentation
        # Approximate dataset size (used to raise warning before download).
        size_in_bytes=162.6 * tfds.units.MiB,
        # Citation to use for using this dataset
        citation="Dataset Paper Title, A. Smith, 2009.",

The features are what defines the shape of the loaded data. Have a look at the features package for a complete list of available features and their description.

TODO(pierrot): link to python api doc, list a few important features

Run the test, test_info should now pass.

Downloading / extracting the dataset

Most dataset builders need to download some data from the web. All downloads and extractions must go through the DownloadManager. DownloadManager currently supports extracting .zip, .gz, and .tar files.

For example, one can do both download and extraction by doing:

def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
  # Equivalent to dl_manager.extract(
  foo_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract('')

Manual download / extraction

If the dataset artifacts cannot be downloaded or extracted automatically (for example, if there is no API and it needs a username/password), you can use path = dl_manager.manual_dir. The user will need to manually download and extract the source data into the manual_dir of this dataset (by default: ~/tensorflow_datasets/manual/my_dataset).

Specifying how the data should be split

Datasets usually come with some pre-defined splits (for example, MNIST has train and test splits); the DatasetBuilder must reflect those splits on disk. If this is your own data, we suggest using a split of (TRAIN:80%, VALIDATION: 10%, TEST: 10%). Users can always get subsplits through the tfds API.

  def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
    extracted_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract(...)
    return [
                "images_dir_path": os.path.join(extracted_path, "train"),
                "labels": os.path.join(extracted_path, "train_labels.csv"),

Use the SplitGenerator to describe how each split should be generated. The gen_kwargs argument is what will be passed to the method writing the TF tf.train.Example to be serialized and written to disk.

Reading downloaded data and generating serialized dataset

When using GeneratorBasedDatasetBuilder base class, the _generate_samples method generates the records to be stored for each split, out of the original source data. With the previous example, it will be called as:


This method will typically read source dataset artifacts (e.g. a CSV) and yield records like:

def _generate_samples(self, images_dir_path, labels=None):
  ... # read data from CSV and build data
  for image_id, description, label in data:
        "image_description": description,
        "image": "%s/%s.jpeg" % (images_dir_path, image_id),
        "label": label,

Note that uses the feature definitions from DatasetInfo to encode the features passed here into a tf.train.Example. In this case, the ImageFeature will extract the jpeg content into the record automatically.

At this point, your builder test should pass.

File access and tf.gfile

In order to support Cloud storage systems, all file access must use tf.gfile or other TensorFlow file APIs (for example, tf.python_io). Python built-ins for file operations (e.g. open, os.rename, gzip, etc.) must be avoided.

Adding Features

The main intuition behind Feature is that what you defines in DatasetInfo should match what is returned by the object. For instance, with:

    'input': tfds.features.Image(),
    'output': tfds.features.Text(encoder=tfds.text.ByteEncoder()),
    'metadata': {
        'description': tfds.features.Text(),
        'img_id': tf.int32,

The object associated with the defined info will be:

    'input': tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 3), dtype=tf.uint8),
    'output': tf.Tensor(shape=(None,), dtype=tf.int32),  # Sequence of token ids
    'metadata': {
        'lang': tf.Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.string),
        'img_path': tf.Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32),

The tfds.features.FeatureConnector object abstracts the way the feature is internally encoded on disk from how it is presented to the user. To create a new feature, you need to subclass tfds.features.FeatureConnector and overwrite the following methods:

  • get_tensor_info(): Indicates the shape/dtype of the tensor(s) returned by
  • encode_sample(input_data): Defines how to encode the data given in the generator _generate_samples() into a tf.train.Example compatible data
  • decode_sample: Defines how to decode the data from the tensor read from tf.train.Example into user tensor returned by
  • (optionally) get_serialized_info(): If the info returned by get_tensor_info() is different from how the data are actually written on disk, then you need to overwrite get_serialized_info() to match the specs of the tf.train.Example

If your feature is a container of sub-features, you may want to inherit from tfds.features.FeatureDict instead and call super().encode_sample and super().decode_sample to reuse boilerplate code when dealing with nested features.

Have a look at the features package for examples.

Large datasets and distributed generation

Some datasets are so large as to require multiple machines to download and generate. We intend to soon support this use case using Apache Beam. Stay tuned.