The default configuration of babel is done by using package.json
to use the file within the shakapacker
"babel": {
"presets": [
This is a very basic skeleton that you can use that includes the Shakapacker preset, and makes it easy to add new plugins and presents:
// babel.config.js
module.exports = function (api) {
const defaultConfigFunc = require('shakapacker/package/babel/preset.js')
const resultConfig = defaultConfigFunc(api)
const changesOnDefault = {
presets: [
// put custom presets here
plugins: [
// put custom plugins here
resultConfig.presets = [...resultConfig.presets, ...changesOnDefault.presets]
resultConfig.plugins = [...resultConfig.plugins, ...changesOnDefault.plugins]
return resultConfig
This shows how you can add to the above skeleton to support React - to use this, install the following dependencies:
npm install react react-dom @babel/preset-react
npm install --dev @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin react-refresh
And then update the configuration:
// babel.config.js
module.exports = function (api) {
const defaultConfigFunc = require('shakapacker/package/babel/preset.js')
const resultConfig = defaultConfigFunc(api)
const isDevelopmentEnv = api.env('development')
const isProductionEnv = api.env('production')
const isTestEnv = api.env('test')
const changesOnDefault = {
presets: [
development: isDevelopmentEnv || isTestEnv,
useBuiltIns: true
plugins: [
isProductionEnv && ['babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types',
removeImport: true
process.env.WEBPACK_SERVE && 'react-refresh/babel'
resultConfig.presets = [...resultConfig.presets, ...changesOnDefault.presets]
resultConfig.plugins = [...resultConfig.plugins, ...changesOnDefault.plugins]
return resultConfig