Have you read the FAQ and checked for dublicates?: yes
What version of Shaka Player are you using: jscdn from about one month ago
Can you reproduce the issue with our latest release version: Unless someone implemented it, no and I don't think so, but I don't tested it.
Can you reproduce the issue with the latest code from master
: same as above
Are you using the demo app or your own custom app: A custom app
If custom app, can you reproduce the issue using our demo app: I can't test it in the demo app, because I use local files (but on a web server every thing works fine)
What browser and OS are you using: Electron with node v8 on Ubuntu artful
What are the manifest and license server URIs: it is a local file generated by Shaka packager from an mp4, it has no protection
What did you do?
I loaded the locally stored manifest (electron seemed to make file:// from it)
What did you expect to happen?
Shaka loads the manifest
What actually happened?
Shaka says, it can't load the manifest (1000)
Shaka doesn't know by default how to handle file:// requests as use in for example electron. Please register it by default.