Adds a marker on a square.
Default types are: MARKER_TYPE.frame
, MARKER_TYPE.square
by Chessboard.js
Example for addMarker, getMarkers and removeMarkers
Returns the board's markers as an array.
Only set type, to get all markers of a type on the board. Set type to undefined
, to get markers of all types on a
Set both to undefined
(or don't set them at all) to get all markers on the board.
Removes markers from the board.
Only set type
to remove all markers of type
from the board. Set type
to undefined
, to remove all types
of markers from a square. Call without parameters to remove all markers from the board.
Just create an object like const myMarker = {class: "markerCssClass", slice: "markerSliceId"}
, where class
is the
css class of the marker for styling and slice
is the id
in sprite.svg
The markerCircle is defined in the SVG as a circle with a radius of 18:
<g id="markerCircle" transform="translate(2.000000, 2.000000)" fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0">
<circle cx="18" cy="18" r="18"/>
Has this CSS, where stroke color, width and opacity are defined:
marker.marker-circle-red {
stroke: #aa0000;
stroke-width: 3px;
opacity: 0.4;
And is used like this in your JavaScript:
const myMarkerType = {class: "marker-circle-red", slice: "markerCircle"}
// add
chessboard.addMarker(myMarkerType, "e4")
// remove a specific marker
chessboard.removeMarkers(myMarkerType, "e4")
// remove all "myMarkerType"
// remove all markers