(only works on Windows)
This script automatically joins Zoom meetings given a weekday and a time. No account needed. The script saves the meetings and assumes these are repeated weekly. Joining is done using the Zoom meeting link and uses the default browser.
install python (version 3.8 or newer) and the Zoom application
install python packages via Command Line
pip install pywin32 keyboard winshell
make sure your standard Browser has pop-ups enabled (for opening Zoom via link)
(should work fine with: Chrome, Brave, Edge)
Download the files "icon.ico" and "Zoom-Joiner.py" and put together in some folder of your choice.
Done! Just open/run the "Zoom-Joiner.py" file with python.
https://zoom.us/j/{MeetingID} or https://zoom.us/j/{MeetingID}?pwd={Password}
Created by Severin Richner