This Project has moved HERE And will no longer be maintained in this repo.
Deploy Disposable Archlinux ABS Enviroment.
The User has a Custom ZSH and VIM Config.
To start the Instance
docker -ti setkeh/archlinux-abs /bin/bash
Then Change user to the docker user
su - docker
There is a Pre-created abs directory in /home/docker/abs To begin a build from abs
cp -r /var/abs/<Repo>/<Package /home/docker/abs
Where Repo = Core, Multilib, Community, Extra Where Package = Package name e.g gcc from core.
then follow build instructions on the Archwiki
How to use ABS - Archlinux Wiki
Its Also a good idea before changing to the docker user to run the abs command to update the abs repo though i will try to keep the image up to date with an autobuild.
Please Report any issues to Archlinux-ABS Issue's - Github