; This is a comment
- This is a
multi line comment - print('multi line comment')
1 - integer
1.2 - float
true / false - boolean
none - none
"string" - string
<1, 2, 3> - array
run(function("function.shit", <"param1", "param2">), <"argument1", "argument2">)
print(get("param1"), get("param2"))
if(function("condition.shit"), function("if.shit"), function("else.shit"))
return(equals(add(1, 2), 3))
print("result of 1 + 2 is 3")
print("result of 1 + 2 is not 3")
set("i", 0)
while(function("condition.shit"), function("loop.shit"))
return(less(get("i"), 1000))
set("i", add(get("i"), 1))