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A Nuxt module that enables complex routing for Nuxt Pages.


This project is in beta and under development. APIs and features may change without notice. Please do not use in production. Your suggestions and contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.


  • 🛤️  Parallel Routes - Render multiple Nuxt pages within a single route, either synchronously or manually.
  • 🖼️  Modal Routes - Display a modal in your routes with updating url.
  • ⛰️  File-base Routing - Create named routes right inside pages directory of your Nuxt project.
  • 🛠  Flexible - Fully customizable and configurable for global or specific pages.
  • 🔋  SSR Friendly - Works perfectly with Nuxt SSR / SSG.

Table of Contents


Install the module to your Nuxt application with nuxi command:

npx nuxi module add nuxt-pages-plus
Install manually
npm i -D nuxt-pages-plus
// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-pages-plus']


Parallel Routes

Parallel Routes allows you to render multiple Nuxt pages within a single route, either synchronously or manually. (Example)

<!-- layouts/default.vue -->
    <slot />
    <PlusParallelPage name="foo" />

<!-- pages/index.vue -->

<!-- pages/index@foo.vue -->
  <div>Index foo</div>

<!-- pages/about.vue -->

<!-- pages/about@foo.vue -->
  <div>About foo</div>
<!-- output: http://localhost/ -->
  <div>Index foo</div>

<!-- output: http://localhost/about -->
  <div>About foo</div>

Modal Routes

You need to change NuxtPage to PlusModalNuxtPage in order to use the Modal Routes feature. (Example)

<!-- app.vue -->
-    <NuxtPage />
+    <PlusModalNuxtPage />
<!-- pages/index.vue -->
    <PlusModalLink to="/info">
      Open info modal

    <PlusModalPage name="modal" />

    <NuxtLink to="/info">
      Go to info page

<!-- pages/info@modal.vue -->
  <Teleport to="body">
      Info modal
      <button @click="$modalRouter.close()">Close</button>

<!-- pages/info.vue -->
    Info page

Advanced Usage

For more advanced usage, please refer to the /examples directory. Detailed documentation will be released soon.

File-based Routing

All named parallel routes page files (...@*.vue) should be placed in the ~/pages/ directory. Nuxt Pages Plus will process these files and generate parallel routes after Nuxt has generated the routes.

You can place your parallel routes pages in several different ways.

File Path Name Route Description
index@foo.vue foo / name in index file
@foo/index.vue foo / name in root folder
@foo.vue foo / name in root folder without index
about/us@foo.vue foo /about/us name in file of folder
about/us@foo/contact.vue foo /about/us/contact name in sub folder
Nested name (Advanced)

Nuxt Pages Plus supports nested name file-based routing, which can be used in nested parallel routes. Due to its complexity, more detailed explanations will be provided in future documentation.

File Path Name Route Description
@foo/@bar/about.vue foo/bar /about nested name
about@foo/us@bar.vue foo/bar /about/us nested name in file and folder
@foo@bar/about.vue foo/bar /about multiple nested name in folder
about/us@foo@bar.vue foo/bar /about/us multiple nested name in file

Escape @ separator

Supporting named views could lead to conflicts with certain routes, e.g. including the @ symbol in the route. Nuxt Pages Plus provided some options to address this problem.

Customize separator symbol

This allows you to use index+foo.vue as Parallel Routes. (Example)

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  pagesPlus: {
    separator: '+',

Ignore Parallel Routes

By setting parallel.ignore in the page meta, your Parallel Routes will be ignored. (Example)

<!-- /pages/[user]@[host].vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
  parallel: { ignore: true },

Customize Parallel Routes

By setting and parallel.path in the page meta to override the processing of the route. (Example)

<!-- /pages/[user]@foo@bar.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
  parallel: {
    path: '[user]@foo'
    name: 'bar',


Local development
# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Generate type stubs
pnpm dev:prepare

# Develop with the examples
pnpm dev examples/...

# Develop with the playground
pnpm play

# Build the playground
pnpm play:build

# Run ESLint
pnpm lint

# Run Vitest
pnpm test
pnpm test:watch

# Release new version
pnpm release


This module is inspired by Next.js App Router. Many thanks to Anthony Fu for providing the opinion of implementing Parallel Routes feature using Nuxt.