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Grid Slickgrid AutoColumn resize

Victor Tomaili edited this page May 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Basic Building Blocks Series: Within the basic building blocks series over time I will add all the little things which someone who just starts with Serenity Framework would have to spend a lot of time figuring it out him/herself.

What you get with this article:

How to make the grid's columns autoresize to the width of the largest Content.

(1) Create new slickgrid plugin file called slick.autocolumnsize.js and place it under: \Scripts\SlickGrid\plugins\

(function($) {

    $.extend(true, window, {
        "Slick": {
            "AutoColumnSize": AutoColumnSize

    function AutoColumnSize(initialAutosize) {

        var grid, $container, context,
            keyCodes = {
                'A': 65

        function init(_grid) {
            grid = _grid;
            //maxWidth = maxWidth || 200;
            maxwidth = 200;

            $container = $(grid.getContainerNode());
            $container.on("dblclick.autosize", ".slick-resizable-handle", reSizeColumn);

            context = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");

            if (initialAutosize) {

        function destroy() {

        function handleControlKeys(event) {
            if (event.ctrlKey && event.shiftKey && event.keyCode === keyCodes.A) {

        function resizeAllColumns() {

            // *** John Ranger 2017-02-12 added in order to make this plugin work with current serenity version (2.9.4). Somehow it takes some time until all data is loaded in the grid - so we have to make sure that the data is there before we try to find out the max width of each column ***
            var data = grid.getData();
            data = data.getItems();
            if (data.length >0) {
                var elHeaders = $container.find(".slick-header-column");
                var allColumns = grid.getColumns();
                elHeaders.each(function (index, el) {

                    // *** John Ranger 2019-04-08: Modified logic to skip row selection checkbox if there is one (as this crashed the initial autosize of the grid) ***
                    var columnDef = $(el).data('column');
                    var colIndex = grid.getColumnIndex(;
                    var column = allColumns[colIndex];

                    if (allColumns[colIndex].headerCssClass != "select-all-header") {
                        var headerWidth = getElementWidth(el);
                        var autoSizeWidth = Math.max(headerWidth, getMaxColumnTextWidth(columnDef, colIndex)) + 1;

                        // *** John Ranger 2016-03-23: Remarked as this causes some problems with some columns ***
                        //autoSizeWidth = Math.min(maxWidth, autoSizeWidth);

                        column.width = autoSizeWidth;
            }   // *** John Ranger 2017-02-12 added in order to make this plugin work with current serenity version (2.9.4). Somehow it takes some time until all data is loaded in the grid - so we have to make sure that the data is there before we try to find out the max width of each column ***
            else {
                setTimeout(resizeAllColumns, 100);

        function reSizeColumn(e) {
            var headerEl = $(e.currentTarget).closest('.slick-header-column');
            var columnDef ='column');

            if (!columnDef || !columnDef.resizable) {


            var headerWidth = getElementWidth(headerEl[0]);
            var colIndex = grid.getColumnIndex(;
            var allColumns = grid.getColumns();

            var column = allColumns[colIndex];

            var autoSizeWidth = Math.max(headerWidth, getMaxColumnTextWidth(columnDef, colIndex)) + 1;

            if (autoSizeWidth !== column.width) {
                column.width = autoSizeWidth;

        function getMaxColumnTextWidth(columnDef, colIndex) {

            var texts = [];
            var rowEl = createRow(columnDef);

            var data = grid.getData();

            // *** John Ranger 2016-03-23: Block remarked as this causes the plugin not to work within serenity framework ***
            //if (Slick.Data && data instanceof Slick.Data.DataView) {
            //    alert('jojo in 2.5');
            //    data = data.getItems();

            data = data.getItems(); // *** John Ranger 2017-02-09 added in order to make this plugin work with current serenity version (2.9.4) ***

            for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            var maxWidth = getMaxWidth(texts, columnDef, colIndex, data, rowEl);    // *** Using new function to directly get max width without running over template mechanism (which does not work anymore) ***

            maxWidth = maxWidth + 15;   // *** Additional space for better reading and to accomodate additional little space used by diverse invisible objects - adjust if needed ***
            return maxWidth;

        function getMaxWidth(texts, columnDef, colIndex, data, rowEl) {
            var max = 0;
            var formatFun = columnDef.formatter;
            $(texts).each(function (index, text) {
                var template;
                if (formatFun) {
                    template = $("<span>" + formatFun(index, colIndex, text, columnDef, data) + "</span>");
                    text = template.text() || text;
                var length = text ? getElementWidthUsingCanvas(rowEl, text) : 0;

                if (length > max) {
                    max = length;

            return max;

        function createRow(columnDef) {
            var rowEl = $('<div class="slick-row"><div class="slick-cell"></div></div>');
                "visibility": "hidden",
                "text-overflow": "initial",
                "white-space": "nowrap"
            var gridCanvas = $container.find(".grid-canvas");
            return rowEl;

        function deleteRow(rowEl) {

        function getElementWidth(element) {
            var width, clone = element.cloneNode(true);
   = 'position: absolute; visibility: hidden;right: auto;text-overflow: initial;white-space: nowrap;';
            element.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, element);
            width = clone.offsetWidth;
            return width;

        function getElementWidthUsingCanvas(element, text) {
            context.font = element.css("font-size") + " " + element.css("font-family");
            var metrics = context.measureText(text);
            return metrics.width;

        return {
            init: init,
            resizeAllColumns: resizeAllColumns,
            destroy: destroy

(2) Create a new Folder called SlickGrid under \Scripts\typings
Then create the file slick.autocolumnsize.d.ts under above path with the following content:

declare namespace Slick {
    function AutoColumnSize(initialAutosize: boolean): void;

(3) In your xyzGrid.ts (of the grid which you want to have the autocolumnresize feature), add the following:

        private autoSize;

        protected createSlickGrid(): Slick.Grid {
            let grid = super.createSlickGrid();
            this.autoSize = new Slick.AutoColumnSize(true); // *** If you want to make it autoresize when grid is loaded, use: new Slick.AutoColumnSize(true);

            return grid;

        // *** Resizes the columns after changes are made to the grid (ex. Column Picker) *
        protected markupReady() {
            if (this.autoSize != null) {

(4) Go to Views/Shared/_LayoutHead.cshtml and add the following @Html.Script("~/Scripts/SlickGrid/Plugins/slick.autocolumnsize.js")

Credits: Please note that the original Slickgrid plugin for autocolumnResize is from here: I just had to put in some workarrounds and fixes in order to make it work with current serenity Framework and typescript.

Important: There are other contributors which have made this nice plugin work again under current Serenity Framework. Thank you guys!

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