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[BUG]: <short description of the issue> #1315

Closed as not planned
Closed as not planned



Before You Report a Bug, Please Confirm You Have Done The Following...

  • I have updated to the latest version of the packages.
  • I have searched for both existing issues and closed issues and found none that matched my issue.

DeepFace's version


Python version


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04


absl-py 2.1.0
accelerate 0.30.1
aiohappyeyeballs 2.3.5
aiohttp 3.10.3
aiosignal 1.3.1
annotated-types 0.7.0
anthropic 0.28.1
anyio 4.4.0
asgiref 3.8.1
astunparse 1.6.3
async-timeout 4.0.3
attrs 24.2.0
azure-ai-documentintelligence 1.0.0b3
azure-ai-formrecognizer 3.3.3
azure-common 1.1.28
azure-core 1.30.2
azure-identity 1.17.1
azure-keyvault-secrets 4.8.0
backoff 2.2.1
bcrypt 4.2.0
beautifulsoup4 4.12.3
blinker 1.8.2
boto3 1.34.160
botocore 1.34.160
build 1.2.1
cachetools 5.4.0
certifi 2024.7.4
cffi 1.17.0
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
chroma-hnswlib 0.7.3
chromadb 0.5.0
click 8.1.7
coloredlogs 15.0.1
cryptography 43.0.0
dataclasses-json 0.6.7
deepface 0.0.93
Deprecated 1.2.14
dirtyjson 1.0.8
distro 1.9.0
dnspython 2.6.1
email_validator 2.2.0
et-xmlfile 1.1.0
exceptiongroup 1.2.2
fastapi 0.111.0
fastapi-cli 0.0.5
filelock 3.15.4
fire 0.6.0
Flask 3.0.3
Flask-Cors 4.0.1
flatbuffers 24.3.25
frozenlist 1.4.1
fsspec 2024.6.1
gast 0.6.0
gdown 5.2.0
google-auth 2.33.0
google-pasta 0.2.0
googleapis-common-protos 1.63.2
greenlet 3.0.3
grpcio 1.65.4
gunicorn 22.0.0
h11 0.14.0
h5py 3.11.0
httpcore 1.0.5
httptools 0.6.1
httpx 0.27.0
huggingface-hub 0.24.5
humanfriendly 10.0
idna 3.7
importlib_metadata 8.0.0
importlib_resources 6.4.0
isodate 0.6.1
itsdangerous 2.2.0
Jinja2 3.1.4
jiter 0.5.0
jmespath 1.0.1
joblib 1.4.2
jsonpatch 1.33
jsonpointer 3.0.0
jsonschema 4.23.0
jsonschema-specifications 2023.12.1
keras 3.5.0
kubernetes 30.1.0
langchain 0.2.13
langchain-community 0.2.5
langchain-core 0.2.30
langchain-openai 0.1.8
langchain-text-splitters 0.2.2
langsmith 0.1.81
libclang 18.1.1
llama-cloud 0.0.6
llama-index 0.10.67.post1
llama-index-agent-openai 0.2.7
llama-index-cli 0.1.13
llama-index-core 0.10.67
llama-index-embeddings-azure-openai 0.1.10
llama-index-embeddings-openai 0.1.10
llama-index-experimental 0.1.3
llama-index-indices-managed-llama-cloud 0.2.4
llama-index-legacy 0.9.48
llama-index-llms-anthropic 0.1.17
llama-index-llms-azure-openai 0.1.10
llama-index-llms-bedrock 0.1.7
llama-index-llms-openai 0.1.26
llama-index-multi-modal-llms-openai 0.1.9
llama-index-program-openai 0.1.6
llama-index-question-gen-openai 0.1.3
llama-index-readers-file 0.1.33
llama-index-readers-llama-parse 0.1.6
llama-parse 0.4.9
Markdown 3.6
markdown-it-py 3.0.0
MarkupSafe 2.1.5
marshmallow 3.21.3
mdurl 0.1.2
ml-dtypes 0.4.0
mmh3 4.1.0
monotonic 1.6
mpmath 1.3.0
msal 1.30.0
msal-extensions 1.2.0
msrest 0.7.1
mtcnn 0.1.1
multidict 6.0.5
mypy-extensions 1.0.0
namex 0.0.8
nest-asyncio 1.6.0
networkx 3.3
nltk 3.8.2
numpy 1.26.4
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12 12.1.105
nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12 12.1.105
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12 12.1.105
nvidia-nccl-cu12 2.20.5
nvidia-nvjitlink-cu12 12.6.20
nvidia-nvtx-cu12 12.1.105
oauthlib 3.2.2
onnxruntime 1.18.1
openai 1.40.6
openpyxl 3.1.4
opentelemetry-api 1.26.0
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-common 1.26.0
opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc 1.26.0
opentelemetry-instrumentation 0.47b0
opentelemetry-instrumentation-asgi 0.47b0
opentelemetry-instrumentation-fastapi 0.47b0
opentelemetry-proto 1.26.0
opentelemetry-sdk 1.26.0
opentelemetry-semantic-conventions 0.47b0
opentelemetry-util-http 0.47b0
opt-einsum 3.3.0
optree 0.12.1
orjson 3.10.7
overrides 7.7.0
packaging 24.1
pandas 2.2.2
pillow 10.4.0
pip 23.2.1
portalocker 2.10.1
posthog 3.5.0
protobuf 4.25.4
psutil 6.0.0
psycopg2-binary 2.9.9
pyasn1 0.6.0
pyasn1_modules 0.4.0
pycparser 2.22
pydantic 2.8.2
pydantic_core 2.20.1
Pygments 2.18.0
PyJWT 2.9.0
PyMySQL 1.1.1
pypdf 4.3.1
PyPika 0.48.9
pyproject_hooks 1.1.0
pyproject-toml 0.0.10
PySocks 1.7.1
pysqlite3-binary 0.5.3
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
python-dotenv 1.0.1
python-multipart 0.0.9
pytz 2024.1
PyYAML 6.0.2
referencing 0.35.1
regex 2024.7.24
requests 2.32.3
requests-oauthlib 2.0.0
retina-face 0.0.17
rich 13.7.1
rpds-py 0.20.0
rsa 4.9
s3transfer 0.10.2
safetensors 0.4.4
setuptools 68.2.0
shellingham 1.5.4
six 1.16.0
sniffio 1.3.1
soupsieve 2.6
SQLAlchemy 2.0.31
starlette 0.37.2
striprtf 0.0.26
sympy 1.13.2
tenacity 8.5.0
tensorboard 2.17.0
tensorboard-data-server 0.7.2
tensorflow 2.17.0
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem 0.37.1
termcolor 2.4.0
tf_keras 2.17.0
tiktoken 0.7.0
tokenizers 0.19.1
toml 0.10.2
tomli 2.0.1
torch 2.3.0
tqdm 4.66.5
transformers 4.41.2
triton 2.3.0
typer 0.12.3
typing_extensions 4.12.2
typing-inspect 0.9.0
tzdata 2024.1
ujson 5.10.0
urllib3 2.2.2
uvicorn 0.30.1
uvloop 0.19.0
watchfiles 0.23.0
websocket-client 1.8.0
websockets 12.0
Werkzeug 3.0.3
wheel 0.41.2
wrapt 1.16.0
yarl 1.9.4
zipp 3.20.0

Reproducible example

from deepface import DeepFace

def verify_face(image1, image2):
    verification = DeepFace.verify(image1, image2, model_name="Facenet512")
    return verification.get("distance")

Relevant Log Output

No response

Expected Result

Package should work as expected...
It was working fine in another venv with exact same dependency set.

What happened instead?

Getting an error while loading the model

Additional Info

No response


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    bugSomething isn't workingdependenciesPull requests that update a dependency file


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