Zaozi is an experimental project aimed at rewriting Chisel in pure Scala 3. It will not replace Chisel, but provide a minimized solution to create an plugable eDSL in Scala 3. The goal of this project is providing an eDSL frontend framework for hardware designs.
mlirlib: A Java module that maintains all MLIR C-API definitions. It can be a generic layer for any MLIR infrastructure in Scala 3.
circtlib: A Java module that maintains all CIRCT C-API definitions, currently mainly for Firrtl. Developers adding new dialects to Zaozi should expose them in CIRCT and include them here.
zaozi: The core DSL implementation, encompassing the type system and build entries. It focuses on module-level construction, allowing modules to implement specific interfaces without extending from a base class.
Zaozi emphasizes a modular and minimalistic approach, delegating build processes to MLIR via C-API.
This strategy reduces JVM memory usage by avoiding local AST storage and eliminates serialization overhead by directly binding MLIR values to Scala values via the MLIR C-API.
Additionally, Zaozi separates the eDSL API declaration with Scala 3 given
pattern, supporting swap APIs implementation through given
a type class.
The project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
© Jiuyang Liu All Rights Reserved.