When contributing to this repository, please refer to the following.
- When opening a pull request (PR), the title should be clear and concise in describing the changes. The PR description can include a more descriptive log of the changes.
- If the pull request (PR) is linked to a specific issue, the PR should be linked to the issue. You can use the Closing Keywords in the PR description to automatically link the issue. Merging a PR will close the linked issue.
- This repository follows the Google Python Style Guide for code formatting.
- If you are working on improving the speed of dot, please read first our guide on code profiling.
- Install Dev Requirements
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
- Install Pre-Commit Hooks
pre-commit install
Run Unit Tests (with coverage):
pytest --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered --cov-fail-under=10
Lock Base and Dev Requirements (pre-requisite: pip install pip-tools==6.8.0
pip-compile setup.cfg
pip-compile --extra=dev --output-file=requirements-dev.txt --strip-extras setup.cfg
This repository follows the Semantic Versioning standard.
Bump a major release:
bumpversion major
Bump a minor release:
bumpversion minor
Bump a patch release:
bumpversion patch