Simple and easy tool to analyze http clients, get the http headers ordered, the client's ip and the ja3 fingerprint. All of this without third-party dependencies or external libraries.
Before you can build and run this project, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Go (version 1.23.1+)
- openssl for generating auto-signed certificates
- golangci-lint for linting
git clone
cd http-analyzer
go mod tidy
Try it in less than 1 minute:
First of all, run the following commands:
make prepare
make run
We are ready to go. Send an HTTPS request:
curl "https://localhost:8443" --insecure | jq
The response will be a json containing all information:
"client_ip": "[::1]:33712",
"ja3": "90e8176230f553294d993752a60f78bb",
"http_method": "GET",
"headers": [
"Host: localhost:8443",
"User-Agent: curl/8.9.1",
"Accept: */*"