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Eclim is an Eclipse plugin which exposes Eclipse features through a server interface. When this server is started, the command line utility eclim can be used to issue requests to that server.
Emacs-eclim uses the eclim server to integrate eclipse with emacs. This project wants to bring some of the invaluable features from eclipse to emacs. Please note, emacs-eclim is limited to mostly java support at this time.
It is also possible to start and stop the eclim daemon from emacs using the
You can ask questions or discuss new features at our Google Group
Prior to version 1.7.3, eclim used a proprietary protocol for communication with the eclim server. If you are running one of these older versions, you need version 0.1 of emacs-eclim.
Eclim versions 1.7.3 and later however, serves responses using a standard JSON format. These are supported by emacs-eclim versions 0.2 and later.
Emacs-eclim versions are tagged with the appropriate version number. You can see and download previous releases here.
- Download and install eclim.
- Install emacs-eclim. You have two options:
- Installation from the MELPA package archive. Just add
the archive to
if you haven't already, and then install emacs-eclim with thepackage-install
command. - Manual installation from GitHub.
- (
git clone git://
) - Add
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/emacs-eclim/")
to your startup script.
- (
- Installation from the MELPA package archive. Just add
the archive to
- Add the following code to your emacs startup script
(require 'eclim)
If you want to control eclimd from emacs, also add:
(require 'eclimd)
Emacs-eclim tries its best to locate your Eclipse installation. If you have Eclipse installed in a non-standard location (i.e. ~/nonStandard/eclipse or /opt/eclipse) you may specify the paths manually by adding this to your startup script:
'(eclim-eclipse-dirs '("~/nonStandard/eclipse"))
'(eclim-executable "~/nonStandard/eclipse/eclim"))
When the cursor is positioned on an error marker in a code buffer,
emacs-eclim uses the local help feature in emacs to display the
corresponding error message in the echo area. You can either invoke
manually or activate automatic display of local
help by adding the following to .emacs:
(setq help-at-pt-display-when-idle t)
(setq help-at-pt-timer-delay 0.1)
If you wish to use auto-complete-mode with emacs-eclim, add the following to your .emacs:
;; regular auto-complete initialization
(require 'auto-complete-config)
;; add the emacs-eclim source
(require 'ac-emacs-eclim-source)
Emacs-eclim can integrate with company-mode to provide pop-up dialogs for auto-completion. To activate this, you need to add the following to your .emacs:
(require 'company)
(require 'company-emacs-eclim)
(global-company-mode t)
Emacs-eclim completions in company are case sensitive by default. To make completions
case insensitive set company-emacs-eclim-ignore-case
to t
When emacs-eclim
is configured correctly, you don't need to modify the
configuration for the eclimd
package. Still, there are some configurable
variables you can tweak:
: This variable is used for locating theeclimd
executable file. You can set it tonil
("Same directory as eclim-executable variable" choice in customization screen) to indicate that the executable is in the same directory as theeclim
program. Alternatively, you can give it a string value ("Custom value" choice in customization screen) to specify the location of the executable. -
: Whenstart-eclimd
is executed, it will ask for the workspace directory to use. The default value for this question is controlled by this variable. -
: Normally, whenstart-eclimd
starts the eclimd process, it pauses emacs untileclimd
is ready to accept commands. If you change the value of this variable tonil
will return as soon aseclimd
is started. Eclimd startup takes several seconds, so if you change the default value of this variable,emacs-eclim
commands will fail untileclimd
is ready.
- dash.el for list manipulation functions
- s.el for string manipulation functions
- json.el (part of emacs as of version 23)
- popup.el for inplace popup menus
- A recent version (0.6.0 or later) of yasnippet
- A recent version (tested with 0.5) of company-mode
- A recent version (tested with 1.4) version of auto-complete-mode
- ido-mode (part of emacs as of version 22)
To get started just launch the eclim executable that the placed in your Eclipse installation directory.
When you import the eclimd
package, you will have access to two commands:
, and stop-eclimd
will ask for a workspace directory, and it will attempt to start
program with the entered workspace directory. The configurable variable
controls the default value of this directory. After
runs the daemon, it will monitor its log output, and wait for the
message that indicates that it is ready to accept commands. This is done to
prevent failures with emacs-eclim
commands while eclimd
is starting up.
While start-eclimd
is waiting for the daemon to be ready, emacs will not
accept any user input. To prevent this pause, you can modify the configurable
variable eclimd-wait-for-process
Normally, simply killing the buffer *eclimd*
will allow you to stop the eclimd
daemon. However, there is a command to perform a graceful shutdown:
. You should use this command when you wish to stop the eclimd
Read more about emacs-eclim:
- Enterprise Java Development in Emacs, [Torstein Krause Johansen]
- The Ballad of Emacs-Eclim, [Fredrik Appelberg]
- Emacs and Java, [Yves Senn]
- Java Autocompletion for Emacs, [root42]
- Eclim: Eclipse Meets Vim And Emacs, [Faruk Akgul]
Have a quick look at our Contribution Guidelines and hack away.