Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | Name of the list | [optional] |
type | int | Type of the list representing opt-in methods <br> 0: Single opt-in list <br> 1: Double opt-in list | [optional] |
send_thank_you_mail | bool | Indicates if a thank-you email should be sent | [optional] |
thank_you_from_name | string | Name displayed as the sender in the thank-you email | [optional] |
thank_you_from_email | string | Email address from which the thank-you email is sent | [optional] |
thank_you_mail_subject | string | Subject line of the thank-you email | [optional] |
thank_you_mail_message | string | Plain text message body of the thank-you email | [optional] |
thank_you_sender | string | Sender ID for the thank-you email | [optional] |
confirm_from_name | string | Name displayed as the sender in the confirmation email | [optional] |
confirm_from_email | string | Email address from which the confirmation email is sent | [optional] |
confirm_mail_subject | string | Subject line of the confirmation email | [optional] |
confirm_mail_message | string | Plain text message body of the confirmation email | [optional] |
confirm_success_page | string | URL of the success page after confirmation | [optional] |
confirm_sender | string | Sender ID for the confirmation email | [optional] |