I want to make gRPC services in different programming languages to have those code snippets handy. On top of that, I plan to package those services in containers and deploy them to Minikube, so I have noted how to do that. To complete the dev cycle, I'm inclined to build a robust CI pipeline on GitHub actions and CD using ArgoCD to my Minikube.
from the root repostiory folder:
chmod +x ./protos/generate.sh
./protos/generate.sh ./src/python/client
./protos/generate.sh ./src/python/server
run apps in debug
A long with have codes to create gRPC services on many languages I build them and deploy to K8S (minikube) in my case
apparently minikube start
did work very well to me as I spent dissent amount of time authenticating to ghcr.io
using guides like this. All of a sudden, seems like the issue was in the network, not in the auth. simple trick helped me a lot.