Notify about new Yammer messages (private ones as well as messages in subscribed groups).
Follow this guide to register a Yammer app and to optain a client ID.
After an app has been registered, one needs to get a Yammer access token. Using:
goyammer login --client <xyz>
where xyz
must be replaced with the client ID.
If successful, the accquired Yammer access token will be stored in
Note, this only needs to be done once.
goyammer [poll] [--interval <seconds>]
one starts the polling and notification.
Note, by default, when polling, goyammer will “fork” itself and detach from the terminal.
Build it yourself or simply install the released .deb package.
For autostarting run:
and add an entry like:
/usr/bin/goyammer --output /home/sebo/goyammer.log
(which will create ~/.config/autostart/goyammer.desktop