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@runClassInSeparateProcess has the same effect as @runTestsInSeparateProcesses #3258



PHPUnit version 7.4-dev
PHP version 7.2.7
Installation Method Composer

@runClassInSeparateProcess has the same effect as @runTestsInSeparateProcesses and makes test SeparateClassPreserveTest.php fail when it's run by itself. My project has the same problem so I think the problem is with the annotation.

The older versions I tested have the same problem.

$ ./phpunit tests__Regression__GitHub__2591__SeparateClassPreserveTest
PHPUnit 7.4-dev by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2
Configuration: /home/.../phpunit-master/phpunit.xml

E.E                                                                 3 / 3 (100%)

Time: 120 ms, Memory: 4.00MB

There were 2 errors:

1) Issue2591_SeparateClassPreserveTest::testOriginalGlobalString
Undefined index: globalString


2) Issue2591_SeparateClassPreserveTest::testGlobalString
Undefined index: globalString


Tests: 3, Assertions: 1, Errors: 2.

It makes sense for the first test to fail but the third shouldn't.

All tests pass when run together.

$ composer info | sort
doctrine/instantiator              1.1.0 A small, lightweight utility to ...
myclabs/deep-copy                  1.8.1 Create deep copies (clones) of y...
phar-io/manifest                   1.0.3 Component for reading ma...
phar-io/version                    2.0.1 Library for handling version inf...
phpdocumentor/reflection-common    1.0.1 Common reflection classes used b...
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock  4.3.0 With this component, a library c...
phpdocumentor/type-resolver        0.4.0
phpspec/prophecy                   1.8.0 Highly opinionated mocking frame...
phpunit/php-code-coverage          6.0.7 Library that provides collection...
phpunit/php-file-iterator          2.0.1 FilterIterator implementation th...
phpunit/php-text-template          1.2.1 Simple template engine.
phpunit/php-timer                  2.0.0 Utility class for timing
phpunit/php-token-stream           3.0.0 Wrapper around PHP's tokenizer e...
sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup 1.0.1 Looks up which function or metho...
sebastian/comparator               3.0.2 Provides the functionality to co...
sebastian/diff                     3.0.1 Diff implementation
sebastian/environment              3.1.0 Provides functionality to handle...
sebastian/exporter                 3.1.0 Provides the functionality to ex...
sebastian/global-state             2.0.0 Snapshotting of global state
sebastian/object-enumerator        3.0.3 Traverses array structures and o...
sebastian/object-reflector         1.1.1 Allows reflection of object attr...
sebastian/recursion-context        3.0.0 Provides functionality to recurs...
sebastian/resource-operations      1.0.0 Provides a list of PHP built-in ...
sebastian/version                  2.0.1 Library that helps with managing...
theseer/tokenizer                  1.1.0 A small library for converting t...
webmozart/assert                   1.3.0 Assertions to validate method in...


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feature/process-isolationIssues related to running tests in separate PHP processestype/bugSomething is broken


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