For issues related to the APFS file system.
For issues on the topic of AppleScript source code.
For issues on the topic of Assembly source code.
For issues related to the BaSYS subsystem for Classic MacOS (1-6)
For issues on the topic of C source code.
For issues on the topic of C++ source code.
For issues on the topic of credits and crediting contributors.
For issues on the topic of CSS source code.
For issues regarding Darwin compatibility with WacOS.
For WacOS project discussions.
Improvements or additions to documentation
For source code donations.
This issue or pull request already exists
For issues related to the ext4 file system.
For issues on the topic of file systems.
Extra attention is needed
For issues related to the HFS file system.
For issues related to the HFS+ file system.
For issues on the topic of HTML source code.
For issues related to iOS (but NOT iPhoneOS)
For issues related to iPhoneOS (but NOT iOS)
For WacOS project issues that are raised.
For issues on the topic of Java source code.
For issues on the topic of JavaScript source code.