This repository shows samples of Ray Tracing with WebGL and WebGL-ComputeShader. To enable WebGL compute shader on a browser, refer to this github repo:
This repo shows basic ray tracing with WebGL. It implements ray-sphere intersection to render molecule data.
This repo adds lighting computation using Blinn Phong model to A-1
This repo shows an example of using WebGL compute shader.
This repo shows an example of using compute shader for RayTracing.
This repo renders molecule data with ray tracing and lighting computation using Blinn Phong model
This repo adds reflection to A-5. It also adds ray-AABB intersection as an acceleration technique.
This repo loads polygon mesh from a file and implements ray-triangle intersection in Ray Tracing.
Note: Repos A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6 and A-7 require WebGL enabled web-browsers