Contain common files for linting for Python.
The .flake8
file contains all of the common configuration rules, as originally defined in SD Elements, as well as additional rules for other flake8-extensions. Rules for those extensions have been selected, and will lint your code against those rules if you have those extensions installed.
The following extensions are:
- flake8-bandit: Performs security scan on the code base
- flake8-black: Performs checks to see if black will make any changes to the library
- flake8-broken-line: Checks if broken lines are used with backslashes and warn against them
- flake8-bugbear: Performs a check for common programming issues
- flake8-comphrehensions: Checks if list/dict/set initialization can be simplified
- flake8-docstrings: Lints the docstrings
- flake8-eradicate: Warns about commented out code
- pep8-naming: Lints names on variables and functions
Contains configurations for Black
Contains the libraries that use these configurations.