Arduino volume control- will control the TV/Receiver volume using IR LEDS
Small size disk with rotary top (Amazon DOT stile)
- Arduino nano v3.0
- Rotary Encoder
- breadboard.
- 3 X 5mm 940nm IR LEDs.
- 330 oham Resistors.
- Wires and connectors.
- 3D SLA printer to print the encloser.
Using IRremote librery:
- Pressing the rotary switch will wake up the device, to the previous mode.
- Rotating clockwise will increase the volume.
- Rotating counter clockwise will decrease the volume.
- Pressing the rotary switch while device awake, will change the control device mode and rotary leds, and mute one device. - Green led means controlling the TV volume and Red led means controlling the sound receiver volume.
- The control will enter sleep mode 10 seconds after last operation.