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Make Vim a node.js IDE step by step.(将Vim打造为轻便好用的node.js开发环境)。 ###1.Install Vim brew install vim Restart the terminal and when you run vi [profile] or vim it will open the vim you installed. ###2.The Plugin

2.1 Plugin Manager Vundle.vim

The plug-in manager for Vim.

$ git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Edit the.vimrc,like this(if there is no .vimrc profile in your home path just create it yourself touch .vimrc):

set nocompatible              " be iMproved, required
filetype off                  " required

" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')

" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
"my Bundle here:
"original repos on github
"Bundle 'kien/ctrlp.vim'
"vimscripts repos
"Bundle 'YankRing.vim'
"non gihut repos
"Bundle 'git://'

" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
call vundle#end()            " required
filetype plugin indent on    " required
" To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use:
"filetype plugin on
" Brief help
" :PluginList       - lists configured plugins
" :PluginInstall    - installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate
" :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache
" :PluginClean      - confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal
" see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ
" Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line                                                                      

Open vim and run::BundleInstall


  • :BundleUpdate
  • :BundleClean
  • :BundleList
  • :BundleSearch

2.2 Plugins


npm install jshint



npm install -g tern
//you can touch ~/.tern-config to make a global config





You'd better to have a look at Vim Plugins

---General--- #####2.2.1 vim-node Tools and environment to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Node.

---Linter--- #####2.2.2 Tabular Vim script for text filtering and alignment. #####2.2.3 jshint.vim JSHint is a tool that helps to detect errors and potential problems in your JavaScript code. runsudo npm install -g jshint for global installration of jshint install jshint.vim with Vundle install jshint2.vim with Vundle #####2.2.4 jshint2 ---Syntax--- #####2.2.4 syntastic Syntax checking hacks for vim #####2.2.5 vim-javascript Vastly improved Javascript indentation and syntax support in Vim. #####2.2.6 YouCompleteMe A code-completion engine for Vim.


1.Install YouCompleteMe

2.NOTE: If you want C-family completion, you MUST have the latest Xcode installed along with the latest Command Line Tools (they are installed automatically when you run clang for the first time, or manually by running xcode-select --install)

3.Install CMake withbrew install cmake

4.Compiling YCM with semantic support for C-family languages:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --clang-completer

4.Compiling YCM without semantic support for C-family languages:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe

5.Install tern_for_vim

6.For node.js run:

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./ --tern-completer

7.put a .tern-project file in your project directory. It is very finicky, so make sure the syntax is correct. For example, if you try to load a file in tern that is not in the project, autocompletion will not work. More Information


  "libs": [
  "loadEagerly": [
  "plugins": {
    "requirejs": {
      //"baseURL": "./",
      //"paths": {}

8.No 8! It's done. It was painful for getting it ready youself ,hah?

There are stil somethings you should pay attention to:

  • For me, it displayYouCompleteMe unavailable: requires Vim 7.3.598+ when I usevi [myfile]to edit some file. And this issue can fix it withalias vi='vim'.But it happens when restart the terminal the my way to fix it is add alias vi='vim' to my ~/.bashrc.
  • Sometimes you may got the error display just like:can't find module vim/bundle/tern_for_vim/node_modules/tern/bin/tern'.To solve this problem, run:
cd ~/.vim/bundle/tern_for_vim/
npm install tern

#####2.2.7 vim-pug Vim Pug (formerly Jade) template engine syntax highlighting and indention.

issue If you use vundle to manager the plugin, you may meet the trouble that it dosen't work though you have install vim-pug. To fix it you should do these things below in your .vimrc:

  1. disable the filetype before vundle with filetype off;
  2. enable the filetype below this line call vundle#end() with filetype on You'd better have a look at this issue.

#####2.2.7 flow Adds static typing to JavaScript to improve developer productivity and code quality.

#####2.2.8 vim-indent-guide A Vim plugin for visually displaying indent levels in code.

#####2.2.9 delimitMate Vim plugin, provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.

#####2.2.10 rainbow_parentheeses.vim Better Rainbow Parentheses.

---Colorschemes--- #####2.2.10 vim-colors-solarized precision colorscheme for the vim text editor

#####2.2.11 dracula wonderful theme for everything. By the way: 这个系列的主题,真TM不错。每次打开Vim心情瞬间美美哒!O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 虽然据说是暗黑系风格。 You like it?

#####2.2.12 vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.


#####2.2.13 NERDTree A tree explorer plugin for vim. #####2.2.14 ctrlp Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, etc finder.

3. Config

The ~/.vimrc profile control almost everything of vim, so you need to pay some of your time to know about it.

You can see my .vimrc as a sample here. For I am a very very newer!


  • npm: A package manager for javascript.
  • pug Pug – robust, elegant, feature rich template engine for Node.js.
  • express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for node.
  • utility: A collection of useful utilities.
  • superagent: A small progressive client-side HTTP request library, and Node.js module with the same API, sporting many high-level HTTP client features.
  • cheerio:Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
  • node-formidable A node.js module for parsing form data, especially file uploads.
  • mongoose MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment.


1.Error: listen EADDRINUSE


解决方案:终端输入lsof -i tcp:8888(8888为端口号)获取在该端口运行的进程id(PID)。输出:

node    3742 wuyunhui   12u  IPv6 0xe120a4e962ac90b5      0t0  TCP *:hbci (LISTEN)

然后杀死该进程: kill -9 3742

根据stackoverflow上面的答案最好是在kill -9之前: kill -15,the reason is:

Generally, you should use kill -15 before kill -9 to give the target process a chance to clean up after itself. (Processes can't catch or ignore SIGKILL, but they can and often do catch SIGTERM.) If you don't give the process a chance to finish what it's doing and clean up, it may leave corrupted files (or other state) around that it won't be able to understand once restarted. Nobita的回答

2.Error: Failed to lookup view "error" in views directory

There could be some troubles when using pug with express for jade had been renamed to pug.

You have to change the name past such as error.jade to error.pug, so that the pug can work well.





MongoDB is an open source database that uses a document-oriented data model.

  • install: brew install mongodb
  • create and start database: mongod --dbpath {project db path}
  • start server.
  • You can also do some operations with mongo console by starting mongo console and connect the database: mongo




1. h 左

2. l 右

3. k 上

4. j 下

5. Ctrl+f 向前翻页

6.Ctrl+b 向后翻页
7. 0  行首

8. 移至行首第一个非空白字

9. $ 行尾

10.G 文档尾部 文档首部
12.w 移至一个word的首部

13.e 移至一个word的字尾

15.b 移至前一个自首

16.L 光标移动至屏幕中间的第一个非空字元

17.:n 移至第n行行首
18.) 移至下一个句子首部

19.( 移至上一个句子首部

20.} 移至下一个段落首部

21.} 移至上一个段落首部


1. i 在光标的字之前

2. a 在光标的字之后

3. o 光标的下一行

4. I 在光标的行首

5. A 在光标的行尾

6. O 在光标的上一行

7. J 将下一行整行接至本行


1. x 删除光标所在的字元

2. X 删除光标之前的字元

3. dd 删除整行

4. dw 删除一个word

5. dG 删除至文档尾

6. dgg 删除至档首

7. D 删除至行尾

8.d0 删除至行首


1. r 取代光标所在的字元

2. R 进入取代模式

3. cc 取代整行

4. cw 取代一个word

5. ~ 光标所在的字元大小写互换

6. C 取代至行尾

7. c0 取代至行首 

8. s 替换一个字元为字符串

9. u undo

10. ctrl+r redo


1.:ce(nter) 文字居中

2,:right  文字靠右


1. yy 复制整行

2. 2yy 复制

2行3. y^ 复制至行首

4. y$ 复制至行尾

5. yw 复制一个word

6. y2w 复制2个word

7. yG 复制至档尾

8. y1G 复制至档首
9. p 粘贴至游标后

10.P 粘贴至光标前


1. / +要找的单词+enter,n向下,N向上



  range 表示的是范围,1,7第一行到第七行,$整篇文章 %目前编辑的,#前一次编辑的pattern 要被替换的字串string 取代之的字串c 每次替换前询问e 不提示errorg 不询问,整行替换i 不区分大小写



  在文章某处marks ,然后跑到其他地方去了,这是呼叫mark 又回到了原处
  1. mx x为26个小写字母,表示光标这被mark了
  2.`x 回到x标志的位置3. 'x 回到x标志的行首


1. :n 编辑下一个档案

2. :2n 编辑下二个档案

3. :N 编辑前一个档案

4. :e 档案名,tab自动补全

5. :bn 编辑次一个

6. :bp 编辑前一个

7. :bl 编辑最后一个



1. :q 

2. :q! 强制离开

3. :wq 存档离开

4. :x 存档离开

5. :w 名字 另存为

6. :qa 离开整个vim a= all



 1. ctrl+w n(new) 开一个新窗口 w=window

2. ctrl+w s (spli) 开一个新窗口,原档案分离为两个

3. ctrl+w f 开一个新窗口,并编辑光标所在的word为新档案名字

4. ctlr+w q 结束分离出来的窗口

5. ctrl+w o(only)使光标所在的窗口显示其他窗口隐藏

6. ctrl+w j 移至下窗口

7. ctrl+w k 移至上窗口

8. :sp 另外开一个窗口来编辑档案

NERDTree 操作:

ctrl + w + h    光标 focus 左侧树形目录
ctrl + w + l    光标 focus 右侧文件显示窗口
ctrl + w + w    光标自动在左右侧窗口切换 #!!!
ctrl + w + r    移动当前窗口的布局位置

o       在已有窗口中打开文件、目录或书签,并跳到该窗口
go      在已有窗口 中打开文件、目录或书签,但不跳到该窗口
t       在新 Tab 中打开选中文件/书签,并跳到新 Tab
T       在新 Tab 中打开选中文件/书签,但不跳到新 Tab
i       split 一个新窗口打开选中文件,并跳到该窗口
gi      split 一个新窗口打开选中文件,但不跳到该窗口
s       vsplit 一个新窗口打开选中文件,并跳到该窗口
gs      vsplit 一个新 窗口打开选中文件,但不跳到该窗口
!       执行当前文件
O       递归打开选中 结点下的所有目录
x       合拢选中结点的父目录
X       递归 合拢选中结点下的所有目录
e       Edit the current dif

双击    相当于 NERDTree-o
中键    对文件相当于 NERDTree-i,对目录相当于 NERDTree-e

D       删除当前书签

P       跳到根结点
p       跳到父结点
K       跳到当前目录下同级的第一个结点
J       跳到当前目录下同级的最后一个结点
k       跳到当前目录下同级的前一个结点
j       跳到当前目录下同级的后一个结点

C       将选中目录或选中文件的父目录设为根结点
u       将当前根结点的父目录设为根目录,并变成合拢原根结点
U       将当前根结点的父目录设为根目录,但保持展开原根结点
r       递归刷新选中目录
R       递归刷新根结点
m       显示文件系统菜单 #!!!然后根据提示进行文件的操作如新建,重命名等
cd      将 CWD 设为选中目录

I       切换是否显示隐藏文件
f       切换是否使用文件过滤器
F       切换是否显示文件
B       切换是否显示书签

q       关闭 NerdTree 窗口
?       切换是否显示 Quick Help

:tabnew [++opt选项] [+cmd] 文件      建立对指定文件新的tab
:tabc   关闭当前的 tab
:tabo   关闭所有其他的 tab
:tabs   查看所有打开的 tab
:tabp   前一个 tab
:tabn   后一个 tab

gT      前一个 tab
gt      后一个 tab


gg=G //Format 代码
"+p //粘贴寄存器文本(保证外部拷贝的代码粘贴进来不会产生缩进混乱)


make vim a nodejs IDE






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