The plugin enables the docs command, which centralizes doc files for the app's plugins, presets, and supporting modules.
gasket create <app-name> --plugins @gasket/plugin-docs
npm i @gasket/plugin-docs
Modify plugins
section of your gasket.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
add: [
+ '@gasket/plugin-docs'
To be set in under docs
in the gasket.config.js
- (string) Name of the directory, relative to the app's package, where doc files will be collected to. Default
The docs command, inspired by cargo doc from the Rust language, allows app developers to generate documentation for their Gasket projects. Only those presets and plugins that are configured for a project, will be used to determine what documentation is available.
When running this command, markdown and other files will gathered from installed node modules and collated to the output directory when they can be viewed together.
The docs command will assemble configuration for plugins and modules, based
on available metadata
, enabled by the @gasket/plugin-metadata.
By default, the files that are collated include a package's
and any
files that exist under a docs directory. Additionally, if any metadata defines
, these files will be collected, too.
The docsSetup
lifecycle allows plugin developers to tune the docsConfig that
is compile for their plugin. Files or file globs can be set, and links changed
as needed. The defaults
are an available option to reference.
module.exports = {
name: 'example',
hooks: {
async docsSetup(gasket, { defaults }) {
return {
link: '',
files: [
transforms: [{
test: /\.md$/,
handler: content => content.replace('something', 'nothing')
// collate docs for any supporting modules
modules: {
'@some/module': {
link: ''
'another-module': {
link: '',
files: ['html/**/*.html'],
transforms: [{
test: /\.html$/,
handler: content => content.replace(/everything/g, 'nothing')
Transforms can also be added in the docsSetup lifecycle. These are plugins to adjust content for files that match the transform's test RegExp. By default, these will only affect docs collected the plugin's package. If the transform should be able affect all collected docs, the global property should be set to true.
Additional data is available to handlers to help with transformations which can be read about in the DocsTransformHandler API.
Beside docs for the plugin itself, docsSetup
for supporting modules can also
be described. For modules from metadata, if a docsSetup
is found, the files
described will be collected, and link for the generated index go to the link
specified in the docsSetup
, instead of the module's homepage.
Alternatively, modules can described their own setup in their package.json by
defining a gasket.docsSetup
property. However, Being JSON, transforms or other
setup functions cannot be described this way:
"name": "example",
"version": "1.2.3",
"gasket": {
"docsSetup": {
"link": "",
"files": [
Allows a plugin to provide a view of the docs for the user.
const view = require('example-markdown-viewer');
module.exports = {
name: 'example',
hooks: {
async docsView(gasket, docsConfigSet) {
const { docsRoot } = docsConfigSet;
await view(docsRoot);
The @gasket/plugin-docsify hooks this lifecycle, to render the docs using Docsify.
Allows a plugin to add documentation that has to be programmatically generated.
const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises;;
module.exports = {
name: 'questions',
hooks: {
async docsGenerate(gasket, docsConfigSet) {
await writeFile('', 'Just shoot me a call at (605) 475-6968');
return {
name: 'FAQ',
description: 'Frequently Asked Questions',
link: '/',
targetRoot: docsConfigSet.docsRoot
Presets can also set up custom docs. This is done by defining a docsSetup
property object on the module, which will be used to establish the DocsConfig
for the preset.
// gasket-preset-example.js
module.exports = {
docsSetup: {
link: '',
files: ['more-docs/**/*.*'],
The docs command will gather info about plugins and modules from their metadata and docsSetup, and will assemble a docsConfig for each. These configs are are organized by type in a docsConfigSet, which is then used to copy files to the outputDir, and perform any transforms as needed. An index is generated in markdown from docsConfigSet which serves as the entry in the doc files. If a plugin is installed that hooks the docsView lifecycle, it can serve the content in a more viewable fashion for the user.