This repo uses HashiCorp Vault to manage SSL Certificates
- Repo uses F5 BIG-IP 14.X
- HashiCorp Vault 1.5
- Git Clone repo using
- This will deploy F5 BIG-IP intance & install Vault on ubuntu on AWS
- SSH into the ubuntu server and cd/tmp
- Configure vault and use vaul agent
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=root
vault write pki/roles/web-certs ttl=60s max_ttl=30m allow_subdomains=true
vault auth enable approle
vault policy write app-pol app-pol.hcl
vault write auth/approle/role/web-certs policies="app-pol"
vault read -format=json auth/approle/role/web-certs/role-id | jq -r '.data.role_id' > roleID
vault write -f -format=json auth/approle/role/web-certs/secret-id | jq -r '.data.secret_id' > secretID
vault agent -config=agent-config.hcl -log-level=debug
- Open a new terminal and SSH into the ubuntu server again.
- Run the command
this will deploy the AS3 rpm & VIP - Stop the vault agent and uncomment
command = "bash"
in the file agent-config.hcl - Run
vault agent -config=agent-config.hcl -log-level=debug
to update the certs automatically