Scrutiny Debugger embedded C++ instrumentation library. This library must be linked against your C++ project and called periodically.
The library has 2 data streams going in and out. It is the responsability of the integrator to bring the data to and from a hardware communication device such as a Serial Port, a CAN bus, IP stack or any other.
For the integration guide, see :
The following example is taken from the Arduino example and show how to initialize the library and how the glue code between Scrutiny Embedded Lib and a serial port can be written.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "scrutiny.hpp"
scrutiny::MainHandler scrutiny_handler; // Main scrutiny handler
uint8_t scrutiny_rx_buffer[32]; // Receive buffer - Keep global
uint8_t scrutiny_tx_buffer[48]; // Transmit buffer - Keep global
void process_scrutiny_loop()
static uint32_t last_call_us = 0;
// Compute time difference
uint32_t current_us = micros(); // Reads microseconds
uint32_t timestep_us = current_us - last_call_us;
// Receive data
int16_t c =;
if (c != -1)
uint8_t uc = static_cast<uint8_t>(c);
scrutiny_handler.receive_data(&uc, 1); // Data from Serial port pushed into scrutiny-embedded lib
scrutiny_handler.process(timestep_us * 10); // Timesteps are counted in multiple of 100ns
// Sends data
uint8_t buffer[16];
if (scrutiny_handler.data_to_send() > 0)
uint16_t nread = scrutiny_handler.pop_data(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Reads data from scrutiny lib
Serial.write(buffer, nread); // Sends data to the serial port
last_call_us = current_us;
void scrutiny_configure()
scrutiny::Config scrutiny_config; // Scrutiny runtime configuration. Can be local, will be copied
// Only required configuration is the comm buffers
config.set_buffers(scrutiny_rx_buffer, sizeof(scrutiny_rx_buffer), scrutiny_tx_buffer, sizeof(scrutiny_tx_buffer));
config.max_bitrate = 100000; // Optional bitrate limit
config.display_name = "MyDevice"; // Optional name for broadcasting
Multiple additional configurations to control:
- Memory regions access (forbidden and read-only)
- Configure datalogging
- Declare some Runtime Published Values (values identified by a unique ID handled by the app without debug symbols)
- Configure User Command service
- etc.
void main()
// Rest of Application init code
while (true)
// Rest of Application loop code