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180 lines (139 loc) · 6.62 KB

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180 lines (139 loc) · 6.62 KB

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-??-??)

  • Add an optional check that all foreign keys have an index.
  • Add support for NULLS NOT DISTINCT in unique indexes.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-08-23)

  • Switch from cryptonite to crypton.
  • Make sqlWhereEqualsAny, sqlWhereIn and sqlWhereNotIn prepared-query friendly.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-06-12)

  • Synchronize timezone of a session with timezone of a database after changing the latter.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-05-23)

  • Make order of tables during schema creation irrelevant.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-05-15)

  • Relax checks around indexes related to the REINDEX operation.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-04-20)

  • Add support for the UNION ALL clause via sqlUnionAll.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-04-13)

  • Add support for GHC 9.6.
  • Fix checkAndRememberMaterializationSupport's query.

hpqtypes-extras- (2023-01-25)

  • Add support for WITH MATERIALIZED with backward compatibility.
  • Add sqlWhereEqualsAny.

hpqtypes-extras- (2022-10-27)

  • Add support for setting collation method for columns.

hpqtypes-extras- (2022-08-02)

  • Add support for sqlResult in sqlDelete.
  • Add a migration type for modifying columns.

hpqtypes-extras- (2022-05-20)

  • Trigger functions are now part of triggers and have their names generated.

hpqtypes-extras- (2022-05-11)

  • Add support for GHC 9.2.
  • Drop support for GHC < 8.8.
  • Add support for triggers and trigger functions.
  • Allow to specify the operator class of an index column.

hpqtypes-extras- (2022-01-11)

  • Support unmanaged local indexes whose names start with "local_".

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-12-13)

  • Add support for ON CONFLICT to sqlInsertSelect.
  • Remove upper bounds from library dependencies.
  • Remove kRun* and kWhyNot functions.

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-11-26)

  • Add support for including columns in indexes.

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-11-08)

  • Add support for handling lock_timeout during migrations.
  • Improvements for making no downtime migrations easier to write.
  • Commiting after each migration was made non-optional.

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-10-11)

  • Add support for log-base-

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-09-29)

  • Use plain exceptions instead of DBExtraException

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-03-29)

  • Support running with higher table versions in the database than in the code

hpqtypes-extras- (2021-02-04)

  • Generate valid INSERT SELECT query with data modifying WITH clauses
  • Add DerivingVia helpers for enums

hpqtypes-extras- (2020-11-16)

  • Include LIMIT clause in UNION subqueries of the select

hpqtypes-extras- (2020-05-05)

  • Add support for GHC 8.10

hpqtypes-extras- (2020-01-20)

  • Add support for UNION clause
  • Add support for GHC 8.8

hpqtypes-extras- (2020-01-09)

  • Add support for ON CONFLICT clause

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-11-05)

  • Implement UuidT Column Type (#28).
  • Fix sqlValidateCheck and sqlValidateFK

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-06-04)

  • Create composite types automatically only if database is empty (#24).

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-05-22)

  • Extend checkDatabaseAllowUnknownTables to allow unknown composite types and rename it to checkDatabaseAllowUnknownObjects (#22).
  • Remove the Default instance for ExtrasOptions; use defaultExtrasOptions instead (#23).

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-04-30)

  • Make composite types subject to migration process (#21).
  • Add a migration type for concurrent creation of an index (#21).

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-02-04)

  • Fix an issue where unnecessary migrations were run sometimes (#18).

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-01-08)

  • Added support for no-downtime migrations (#17):
    • sqlCreateIndex is deprecated. Use either sqlCreateIndexSequentially or sqlCreateIndexConcurrently (no-downtime migration variant) instead.
    • sqlAddFK is deprecated. Use either sqlAddValidFK or sqlAddNotValidFK (no-downtime migration variant) instead.
    • API addition: sqlValidateFK, for validating a foreign key previously added with sqlAddNotValidFK.
    • sqlAddCheck is deprecated. Use either sqlAddValidCheck or sqlAddNotValidCheck (no-downtime migration variant) instead.
    • API addition: sqlValidateCheck, for validating a check previously added with sqlAddNotValidCheck.
    • API addition: sqlAddPKUsing, converts a unique index to a primary key.
    • New Table field: tblAcceptedDbVersions.
  • ValidationResult is now an abstract type.
  • ValidationResult now supports info-level messages in addition to errors.

hpqtypes-extras- (2019-02-04)

  • Fix an issue where unnecessary migrations were run sometimes (#19).

hpqtypes-extras- (2018-11-19)

  • API addition: sqlWhereAnyE (#16).

hpqtypes-extras- (2018-07-11)

  • Support hpqtypes-
  • Drop support for GHC < 8.

hpqtypes-extras- (2018-03-18)

  • Add support for GHC 8.4.
  • Drop support for GHC 7.8.

hpqtypes-extras- (2018-01-25)

  • Introduce checkPKPresence to enforce primary keys on all tables supplied to checkDatabase
  • Introduce an options data type, ExtrasOptions

hpqtypes-extras- (2018-01-09)

  • Changed getDBTableNames to only schemas explicitly in search path, rather than an exclusion list. Affects table version and unknown tables checks.

hpqtypes-extras- (2017-12-08)

  • Changed internal representation of PrimaryKey to NubList (#11) This will break existing PKs set on multiple columns unless they are alphabetically sorted in the defining list.

hpqtypes-extras- (2017-11-24)

  • Introduced tsvector postgres type and indexing methods GIN and BTree

hpqtypes-extras- (2017-07-21)

  • Now depends on 'log-base' instead of 'log'.

hpqtypes-extras- (2017-07-20)

  • Improved migration order sanity checking (#7).

hpqtypes-extras- (2017-05-17)

  • Add drop table migrations.
  • Add a test suite.
  • Improve documentation.
  • Add option to force commit after every migration.

hpqtypes-extras-1.2.4 (2016-07-28)

  • Initial release.