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RGB Pixel Array Driver for the Raspberry Pi

Project Page:

Supported Chips:

  • WS2801

  • LPD8806

  • LPD6803

  • SM16716

                sudo python --help
                usage: [-h] [-v]
                positional arguments:
                                  sub command help?
                                  strip               Stip Mode - Display an image using POV and a LED strip
                                  array               Array Mode - Display an image on a pixel array
                                  pixelinvaders       Pixelinvaders Mode - setup pixelpi as a Pixelinvaders slave
                                  fade                Fade Mode - Fade colors on all LEDs
                                  chase               Chase Mode - Chase display test mode
                                  pan                 Pan Mode - Pan an image across an array
                                  all_on              All On Mode - Turn all LEDs On
                                  all_off             All Off Mode - Turn all LEDs Off
                                  wiimote             Wiimote Mode - move and LED witht he Wiimote
                optional arguments:
                                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                                  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
                sudo python strip --help 
                                  usage: strip [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                                                          [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME] [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE]
                                                         [--filename FILENAME] --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT
                                  optional arguments:
                                    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                                    --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716} Specify chip type
                                    --verbose             enable verbose mode
                                    --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME Set the SPI device descriptor
                                    --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE  Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                                    --filename FILENAME   Specify the image file eg: hello.png
                                    --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT   Set the Y dimension of your pixel array (height)
                sudo python array --help 
                usage: array [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                      [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME] [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE]
                      [--filename FILENAME] --array_width ARRAY_WIDTH
                      --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --filename FILENAME   Specify the image file eg: hello.png
                  --array_width ARRAY_WIDTH
                                        Set the X dimension of your pixel array (width)
                  --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT
                      Set the Y dimension of your pixel array (height)
                sudo python pixelinvaders --help 
                usage: pixelinvaders [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                              [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME]
                              [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE] --udp-ip UDP_IP
                              --udp-port UDP_PORT
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --udp-ip UDP_IP       Used for PixelInvaders mode, listening address
                  --udp-port UDP_PORT   Used for PixelInvaders mode, listening port
                sudo python fade --help 
                usage: fade [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806}] [--verbose]
                     [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME] [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE]
                     --num_leds NUM_LEDS
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --num_leds NUM_LEDS   Set the number of LEDs in the string
                sudo python chase --help 
                usage: chase [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                      [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME] [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE]
                      --num_leds NUM_LEDS
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --num_leds NUM_LEDS   Set the number of LEDs in the string
                sudo python pan --help 
                usage: pan [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                    [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME] [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE]
                    [--filename FILENAME] --array_width ARRAY_WIDTH
                    --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --filename FILENAME   Specify the image file eg: hello.png
                  --array_width ARRAY_WIDTH
                      Set the X dimension of your pixel array (width)
                  --array_height ARRAY_HEIGHT
                      Set the Y dimension of your pixel array (height)
                sudo python all_on --help 
                usage: all_on [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                       [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME]
                       [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE] --num_leds NUM_LEDS
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type 
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --num_leds NUM_LEDS   Set the number of LEDs in the string
                sudo python all_off --help 
                usage: all_off [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                        [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME]
                        [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE] --num_leds NUM_LEDS
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                 --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --num_leds NUM_LEDS   Set the number of LEDs in the string
                sudo python wiimote --help 
                usage: wiimote [-h] [--chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}] [--verbose]
                        [--spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME]
                        [--refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE] --num_leds NUM_LEDS
                optional arguments:
                  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                  --chip {WS2801,LPD8806,LPD6803,SM16716}
                      Specify chip type
                  --verbose             enable verbose mode
                  --spi_dev SPI_DEV_NAME
                      Set the SPI device descriptor
                  --refresh_rate REFRESH_RATE
                      Set the refresh rate in ms (default 500ms)
                  --num_leds NUM_LEDS   Set the number of LEDs in the string

pixel_map.csv format

  • each line pertains to a pixel, the first line is the first pixel in the string (closest to the RaspberryPi)
  • each line has two entries (x and y location)

The image is mapped like so:

X0Y0 X1Y0 X2Y0... X0Y1 X0Y2 ...

  • so if the first pixel of your array is the lower left hand corner (of a 7x7 array) the entry would be 0,6 if your second pixel is the lower second from left pixel the entry would be: 1,6


RGB Pixel Array Driver for the Raspberry Pi






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