x <- read.csv(system.file("examples", "iucn_dat.csv", package = "splister"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[,-1]
y <- system.file("examples", "worms_sample.csv", package = "splister")
spp <- x$sciname[1:20000L]
res <- matcher(spplist = spp, ref = y, against = "scientificName")
df <- data.frame(original = spp, taxon = unlist(res),
match = sapply(res, attr, "match"))
df[df$match == "replace", ]
#> original taxon match
#> 2080 Alburnus mento Alburnus mentoides replace
#> 7080 Bahaba chaptis Alburnus mentoides replace
#> 12080 Caridina evae Alburnus mentoides replace
#> 17080 Copadichromis inornatus Alburnus mentoides replace
- Please report any issues or bugs.
- License: MIT
- Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.