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Pandoc plugin for ikiwiki.

Pandoc has a richer syntax and more flexible configuration than standard Markdown, and is also able to parse a variety of other syntaxes. This plugin can be configured to generate wiki pages from LaTeX, reST, mediawiki, textile, OPML or Emacs Org sources, as well as markdown. It can also be configured to convert and display inline TeX math using a variety of methods. If Pandoc was compiled with the -fhighlighting option, it will also apply syntax highlighting to code blocks and inline code spans. Finally, it is possible to export the content of a wiki page to several of the non-HTML formats supported by pandoc, including pdf and docx, or to create slideshows using Beamer and reveal.js.


# (1) Install the library.
# Alternatively, can be installed in /usr/share/perl5 or similar.
mkdir -p ~/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin
cp ~/.ikiwiki/IkiWiki/Plugin

# (2) Install template (for math support).
# $TEMPLATEDIR is often /usr/share/ikiwiki/templates by default.
# Check the `templatedir` setting of your *.setup file.
mv $TEMPLATEDIR/page.tmpl $TEMPLATEDIR/page.tmpl.orig
cp page.tmpl $TEMPLATEDIR

# (3) Possibly install javascript (only for mathml).
# $UNDERLAYDIR is often /usr/share/ikiwiki and depends on the
# settings `underlaydir` and `add_underlays` in your *.setup file
cp *.js $UNDERLAYDIR/javascript/

# (4) Activate module:
#     add 'pandoc' to `add_plugins` list in your *.setup file

# (5) Refresh your *.setup file and rebuild your wiki:
# Between those two commands, you may want to tweak some options.
ikiwiki --changesetup *.setup
ikiwiki --rebuild --setup *.setup

Note: If you want to put mathematics markup into your pages or blog entries, you are likely to run into problems with the smiley plugin, so you should probably disable it by adding it to the disable_plugins list in your *.setup file.

Updating to a newer version

Start by examining which files have changed since you last installed or updated the plugin. For each such file, repeat the relevant installation steps. If in doubt, repeat them all (i.e. steps 1–3 from above).

If ikiwiki-pandoc now supports options which have been added since your previous installation/update, you may wish to take the time to refresh your setup file as well by carrying out step 5 above, possibly followed by changing the new options from their default values.


The following options are available in the *.setup file. Some of them are also available in the web settings.

Program paths

  • pandoc_command (string): Path to pandoc executable. If not set, looks for pandoc in your $PATH.

  • pandoc_citeproc (string): Path to pandoc-citeproc executable (for references/bibliography handling). If not set, looks for it in $PATH.

Input format support

  • pandoc_markdown_ext (string): Markdown file extension(s) for pandoc handling. Multiple comma-separated extensions may be specified, e.g. md,mdwn,markdown,pd.

  • pandoc_rst (boolean): If true, enables processing of ReST documents (fixed extension: .rst).

  • pandoc_latex (boolean): If true, enables processing of LaTeX documents (fixed extension: .tex).

  • pandoc_textile (boolean): If true, enables processing of textile documents (fixed extension: .textile).

  • pandoc_mediawiki (boolean): If true, enables processing of MediaWiki documents (fixed extension: .mediawiki).

  • pandoc_org (boolean): If true, enables processing of Emacs Org-mode documents (fixed extension: .org).

  • pandoc_opml (boolean): If true, enables processing of OPML documents (fixed extension: .opml).

Settings for mathematics display

Pandoc's variant of markdown supports TeX math delimited with $...$ (inline math) and $$ ... $$ (display math). There are several possibilities with regard to the way in which this appears in the HTML output. For a more detailed description, see later in this document.

These settings have no effect unless you have activated the page.tmpl file which comes with this module (or have inserted an appropriate math support block into your own template).

  • pandoc_math (string): base setting for math support. Can be one of mathjax, katex, mathml, asciimathml, jsmath, latexmathml, mimetex, or webtex. For most people, mathjax is recommended.

  • pandoc_math_custom_js (string): Optionally specify a javascript URL to load support for the math display option specified under pandoc_math. You would use this if you e.g. have a local version of MathJax or KaTeX. If you have picked mathml, it would probably be sensible to point to the mathml.js script which comes with this module. For mimetex and webtex, this setting should not point to a javascript file but to a server-side (CGI) URL which returns an image for insertion into the page at the appropriate point.

  • pandoc_math_custom_css: Optional custom CSS URL to control the appearances of math.

Settings for references and bibliography

  • pandoc_bibliography (string): Full path to the (BibTeX-format) bibliography file to use by default. If this is empty, you must specify either bibliography (filename) or references (structured list of references) in a YAML meta-block in the page itself.

  • pandoc_csl (string): CSL file to use by default to format in-line references and the list of references. If this is empty, the default Chicago author-year format will be used, unless you specify a CSL file using csl in a YAML meta-block in the page itself.

  • pandoc_csl_default_lang (string): Language code to use by default during citations processing, unless something different is specified in the YAML meta block (using either of the keys lang or locale). Language codes follow RFC 1766 and are typically either two letters (e.g. en for English) or two letters followed by a hyphen and a refinement code (e.g. en-GB for British English). If no language code is configured here, pandoc-citeproc uses the default language of the preferred CSL file, or US English (en-US) if it specifies no default language. Underscore may be used instead of a hyphen in language codes, so en-GB and en_GB are equivalent. Pandoc-citeproc supports almost 50 major European and Asian languages.

Output tweaking

  • pandoc_smart (boolean): Whether smart quotes and other typographic niceties are enabled.

  • pandoc_obfuscate (boolean): Whether to detect and obfuscate email adresses automatically.

  • pandoc_html5 (boolean): Whether Pandoc should produce HTML5.

  • pandoc_ascii (boolean): Produce ASCII output rather than UTF-8.

  • pandoc_numsect (boolean): Whether to number sections.

  • pandoc_sectdiv (boolean): Attach IDs to section DIVs instead of to headers.

  • pandoc_codeclasses (string): CSS classes to add to indented code blocks. One may also specify CSS classes individually for each block.

  • pandoc_html_extra_options: Extra pandoc options that are specific for HTML and do not apply to other output formats. (Note that this, like other *_extra_options, is a list, not simply a string). You may also set this option per page in the yaml metadata block using the key html_extra_options. Note that a per-page setting (even if it is an empty list) overrides the global setting rather than extending it.

Extra output formats

It is sometimes useful to use pandoc to export the content of a wiki page to non-html formats, e.g. pdf or docx. This can be triggered by setting certain attributes in the YAML meta block of the page. The currently supported formats are pdf, docx, odt, latex, beamer, revealjs and epub. The corresponding meta attributes are the boolean values generate_pdf, generate_docx, generate_odt, generate_latex, generate_beamer, generate_revealjs and generate_epub. As a shortcut, generate_all_formats will turn on the generation of all seven formats; some of them may then be turned off individually. For instance,

generate_all_formats: true
generate_beamer: false
generate_revealjs: false

will export files of all formats except Beamer and reveal.js.

When such extra formats have been generated for a page, links to the exported files will be appended to the so-called action links ("Edit", "History", etc.). These links are at the top of the page in the default theme.

Configuration options

There are several configuration options related to the export functionality:

  • pandoc_latex_template: Path to pandoc template for LaTeX and PDF output. Since PDF files are created by way of LaTeX, there is no separate PDF template. (Obviously, PDF generation requires a working LaTeX installation).

  • pandoc_latex_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for LaTeX and PDF generation. (Note that this, like other *_extra_options, is a list, not simply a string).

  • pandoc_beamer_template: Path to pandoc template for Beamer PDF output. (Beamer is a presentations package for LaTeX).

  • pandoc_beamer_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for Beamer PDF generation.

  • pandoc_pdf_export_cleanup: Whether to cleanup LaTeX auxiliary files after doing a PDF export (including Beamer). The default is to keep this False, since it often speeds PDF regeneration up considerably when updating a page.

  • pandoc_revealjs_template: Path to pandoc template for Reveal.js slides output.

  • pandoc_revealjs_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for Reveal.js slides generation. Please note that the option --self-contained is added automatically. In order for this to work, pandoc has to know where to find the reveal.js Javascript and CSS files. The easiest way of making sure of this is to keep them in pandoc's default user data directory. You can see the name of this folder by running pandoc --version; usually it is ~/.pandoc, in which case the reveal.js files would be in the subdirectory ~/.pandoc/reveal.js/. You can download the most recent reveal.js release here.

  • pandoc_docx_template: Path to reference docx document used by pandoc for MS Word output.

  • pandoc_docx_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for docx generation.

  • pandoc_odt_template: Path to reference odt document used by pandoc for OpenDocument output for LibreOffice, OpenOffice, etc.

  • pandoc_odt_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for odt generation.

  • pandoc_epub_template: Path to pandoc template for epub output. (Note that the this will actually generate EPUB3 files rather than the more familiar EPUB2. The reason is that EPUB3 has better native math support).

  • pandoc_epub_extra_options: List of extra pandoc options for epub generation.

Overriding settings on a specific page

It is possible to override and/or extend the settings for an output format on a given page, using meta attributes with the same names as the configuration options above, except without the pandoc_* prefix. As an example, consider the YAML metadata block below:

title: The Communist Manifesto
  - Karl Marx
  - Friedrich Engels
date: 1848-02-21
lang: en-GB
bibliography: /home/km/bib/communism.bib
generate_pdf: true
generate_docx: true
latex_template: booklet_tpl.latex
  - -\-biblatex
  - -\-variable=biblio-style:authoryear
docx_template: manifesto_tpl.docx

Here, the latex_template setting (which controls both pdf and latex output) will replace whatever was configured in the *.setup file under pandoc_latex_template, while the latex_extra_options setting will be added to the list of extra arguments (if any) specified in pandoc_latex_extra_options.

Also note that pandoc interprets string values in the meta block as markdown, which is why we need to backslash-escape one of the leading hyphens in each option. Otherwise, -- will be turned into (an ndash) during meta parsing, at least if the pandoc_smart configuration option is turned on, with predictably undesireable results.

Finally, specifying --biblatex or --natbib in the extra options for the pdf or beamer export formats will automatically turn off citations processing using pandoc-citeproc, leaving that task to the relevant LaTeX packages. In order for this to work properly, you need to have a working LaTeX installation, including the utility latexmk, which has to be in your $PATH.

Notable export limitations

  • There is currently no option for turning some list of export formats on by default for all pandoc-processed pages. The reason is that some plugins which insert content into the page, notably the template plugin, call pandoc in such a way that the pandoc plugin apparently has no certain way of distinguishing between these calls and the processing of an entire page. A global option might thus lead to much wasted work and conceivably even to the overwriting of freshly-generated export files by incorrect content.

  • Many export formats supported by pandoc itself are not supported at present by ikiwiki-pandoc. These include fb2, docbook, context and rtf, as well as a few html-based slides formats (s5, slidy, ...) and some text-based markup formats (asciidoc, docuwiki, ...).


Syntax Coloring

Pandoc can be configured to apply classes globally to all its inline code blocks (for example, numberLines or perl). Alternatively, code blocks can be written in this style:

if (a > 3) {
   moveShip(5 + gravity, DOWN);

The line of ~~~ can be longer than 3 characters, if you like. Github-style code blocks (using backticks instead of tildes) are also supported. This manner of writing indented code blocks also permits us to specify the block's specific syntax, which might be different from other blocks:

~~~{.haskell .numberLines}
if (a > 3) {
   moveShip(5 + gravity, DOWN);

If Pandoc wasn't compiled with syntax highlighting support, such a code block will be processed like this:

<pre class="haskell">

You can also specify the syntax for inline code spans: `some code`{.haskell}.

For syntax highlighting, you may add this in your css style sheet:

/*From pandoc for code highlighting*/
table.sourceCode, tr.sourceCode, td.lineNumbers, td.sourceCode {
      margin: 0; padding: 0; vertical-align: baseline; border: none; }
      table.sourceCode { width: 100%; line-height: 100%; }
      td.lineNumbers { text-align: right; padding-right: 4px; padding-left: 4px; color: #aaaaaa; border-right: 1px solid #aaaaaa; }
      td.sourceCode { padding-left: 5px; }
      code > { color: #007020; font-weight: bold; }
      code > span.dt { color: #902000; }
      code > span.dv { color: #40a070; }
      code > { color: #40a070; }
      code > span.fl { color: #40a070; }
      code > { color: #4070a0; }
      code > { color: #4070a0; }
      code > { color: #60a0b0; font-style: italic; }
      code > span.ot { color: #007020; }
      code > { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold; }
      code > span.fu { color: #06287e; }
      code > { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold; }

Note: This functionality overlaps somewhat with Ikiwiki's highlight plugin and format directive:

[[!format  perl """
print "hello, world\n";


Pandoc has a native table-handling syntax. This overlaps somewhat with Ikiwiki's table directive. Here too, you'll have to decide which facility better suits your needs.

Inline TeX processing for math

Pandoc recognizes inline TeX and can be configured to display it on the web using a variety of tools.

  1. MathJax is the option recommended for most people, since it combines extensive support for TeX commands with good browser support.

  2. KaTeX ( is faster and more lightweight than MathJax but does not support as many TeX commands. It also does not behave as nicely if there is an error in your TeX markup.

  3. jsMath is the predecessor to MathJax. It doesn't give as nice results, and is harder to install. Download jsMath and jsMath-fonts and install them to your server. Set pandoc_math_custom_js appropriately.

  4. A different JavaScript solution is LatexMathML

  5. Asciimathml is an alternative, non-TeX syntax for math markup, which is supported by Pandoc if you have the correct setting in pandoc_math.

  6. The mimetex setting for pandoc_math is used for CGI-based image solutions and requires you to set pandoc_math_custom_js to the URL of an appropriate server-side script. Two of these are MathTeX (which requires LaTeX to be installed) and MimeTeX (which doesn't).

  7. The webtex setting is similar to mimetex and uses the Google Charts API by default.

  8. Native MathML support (the mathml setting for pandoc_math) is only present in Mozilla-based browsers, i.e. Firefox. There are Javascript solutions to emulate this support in other browsers, e.g. through MathJax. The mathml.js file which comes with this module is one such possibility. If you opt for using MathML you should enable this through the pandoc_math_custom_js setting. Note that if you pick mathml, you must disable the htmlscrubber plugin.

  9. If none of the other options are enabled, Pandoc will attempt to render inline TeX using Unicode characters, in so far as that's possible.

If none of these options work for you, you could check out the teximg plugin; this works something like MathTex, above. You could also look into using itex2MML; Jason Blevins has a plugin for using that tool together with Markdown. (A newer version is mentioned at

See also, which describes a number of other works-in-progress for rendering LaTeX in Ikiwiki.)


See this article if you encounter issues with https: and change URLs in templates.

TeX macros

Another nice Pandoc feature is that it parses and uses \newcommand and \renewcommand macro definitions:

\newcommand{\tuple}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
$\tuple{a, b, c}$


GPLv2. See LICENSE for more details.