This project contains example code for working with SCIFIO.
These tutorials are heavily commented to explain the SCIFIO API. Simply running a given tutorial may not be meaningful; it is highly recommended to open the source files and follow the code step by step.
You can import these projects into your favorite IDE:
- Eclipse: File > Import > Existing Maven Projects
- NetBeans: File > Open Project
- IDEA: File > Open Project... (select pom.xml)
Or build and run from the command line:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.scif.tutorials.T1aIntroToSCIFIO
SCIFIO provides multiple paths to read and write images. Convenience methods are present to make the IO process as simple as possible. The individual components of SCIFIO allow more precise control.
The tutorials are named in a suggested order for execution:
- Tutorials 1a-d focus on basic image IO using convenience methods
- Tutorials 2a-b cover individual component use
- Tutorials 3a-b explain the discovery mechanism and defining your own SCIFIO Formats and components.
To the extent possible under law, the SCIFIO developers have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this tutorial code.
See the CC0 1.0 Universal license for details.