I have used and tweaked Vim for my development uses. This is my .vimrc
Attention: If you are currently using your own .vimrc
configuration, you should know how to merge my settings into yours. Otherwise, your settings may be messed up if you try steps below!
git clone https://github.com/schenkerx/myvimrc.git ~/.myvimrc
sh ~/.myvimrc/install.sh
I also recommend using the powerline patched fonts. Now the setup is complete.
Simply do git rebase.
cd ~/.myvimrc
git pull --rebase
By default it use F5 key to toggle between paste mode and insert mode. You can change this behavior by changing the setting set pastetoggle=<your_prefer_key>
Do following:
- Remove
- Remove any lines that references to
in your.vimrc