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Semantic conventions for browser events

Status: Experimental

Table of Contents

This document describes the semantic conventions for browser resource and events.


The events may be represented either as Span Events or Log Events.

All events have the following three high-level attributes. The event name is specified at the beginning of each section below. The payload of the event goes in a nested attribute called `' for each event is listed below.

Key Type Description Examples Requirement Level
event.domain string Fixed value: browser Required string Described in each section below Required map A map of key/value pairs, with the keys for each event described in following sections Recommended


The event name MUST be page_view.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
referrer string Referring Page URI (document.referrer) whenever available. Recommended
type int Browser page type 0 Required
title string Page title DOM property Shopping cart page Recommended
url. Alias for http.url string Full HTTP request URL in the form scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]. Usually the fragment is not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included nevertheless. [1]; Required

[1]: The URL fragment may be included for virtual pages

type MUST be one of the following:

Value Description
0 physical_page
1 virtual_page
Sample PageView Event
    "log_record": {
        "attributes": [
            "key": "event.domain",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "browser"
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "page_view"

            "key": "",
            "value": {
                "kvlistValue": [
                        "key": "http.url",
                        "value": {
                        "stringValue": ""
                        "key": "http.url",
                        "value": {
                        "stringValue": ""
                        "key": "type",
                        "value": {
                        "intValue": "0"
                        "key": "title",
                        "value": {
                        "stringValue": "Free Online GUID Generator"


The event name MUST be page_load.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
url. Alias for http.url string Full HTTP request URL in the form scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]. Usually the fragment is not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included nevertheless. [1]; Required

[1]: The URL fragment may be included for virtual pages


event.nameis page_navigation_timing

Key Type Description Examples Requirement Level
fetchStart long Recommended
unloadEventStart long Recommended
unloadEventEnd long Recommended
domInteractive long Recommended
domContentLoadedEventStart long Recommended
domContentLoadedEventEnd long Recommended
domComplete long Recommended
loadEventStart long Recommended
loadEventEnd long Recommended
firstPaint long Recommended
firstContentfulPaint long Recommended

ResourceTiming is resource_timing

Key Type Description Examples Requirement Level
fetchStart long Recommended
domainLookupStart long Recommended
domainLookupEnd long Recommended
connectStart long Recommended
secureConnectionStart long Recommended
connectEnd long Recommended
requestStart long Recommended
responseStart long Recommended
responseEnd long Recommended


The event name MUST be HTTP.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
request_type int Request type 0 Required
response_content_length_uncompressed. Alias for http.response_content_length_uncompressed int length of the response after it's uncompressed 23421 Recommended
method. Alias for http.method string HTTP request method. GET; POST; HEAD Required
request_content_length. Alias for http.request_content_length int The size of the request payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the Content-Length header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed size. 3495 Recommended
response_content_length. Alias for http.response_content_length int The size of the response payload body in bytes. This is the number of bytes transferred excluding headers and is often, but not always, present as the Content-Length header. For requests using transport encoding, this should be the compressed size. 3495 Recommended
status_code. Alias for http.status_code int HTTP response status code. 200 Conditionally Required: If and only if one was received/sent.
url. Alias for http.url string Full HTTP request URL in the form scheme://host[:port]/path?query[#fragment]. Usually the fragment is not transmitted over HTTP, but if it is known, it should be included nevertheless. [1] Required

[1]: url MUST NOT contain credentials passed via URL in form of In such case the attribute's value should be

request_type MUST be one of the following:

Value Description
0 fetch
1 xhr
2 send_beacon

HTTP request and response headers

Key Type Description Examples Requirement Level
request.header.<key>. Alias for http.request.header.<key> string[] HTTP request headers, <key> being the normalized HTTP Header name (lowercase, with - characters replaced by _), the value being the header values. [1] http.request.header.content_type=["application/json"]; http.request.header.x_forwarded_for=["", ""] Optional
response.header.<key>. Alias for http.response.header.<key> string[] HTTP response headers, <key> being the normalized HTTP Header name (lowercase, with - characters replaced by _), the value being the header values. [1] http.response.header.content_type=["application/json"]; http.response.header.my_custom_header=["abc", "def"] Optional

[1]: Instrumentations SHOULD require an explicit configuration of which headers are to be captured. Including all request/response headers can be a security risk - explicit configuration helps avoid leaking sensitive information.

The User-Agent header is already captured in the browser.user_agent resource attribute. Users MAY explicitly configure instrumentations to capture them even though it is not recommended.

HttpRequestTiming is http_request_timing

Key Type Description Examples Requirement Level
open long Recommended
send long Recommended
domainLookupStart long Recommended
domainLookupEnd long Recommended
connectStart long Recommended
secureConnectionStart long Recommended
connectEnd long Recommended
requestStart long Recommended
responseStart long Recommended
responseEnd long Recommended
loaded long Recommended


The event name MUST be exception.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
exception.file_name string Name of the file that generated the error foo.js Recommended
exception.line_number int Line number where the error occurred Recommended
exception.column_number int Column number where the error occurred Recommended
exception.message string The exception message. Division by zero; Can't convert 'int' object to str implicitly Recommended
exception.stacktrace string A stacktrace as a string in the natural representation for the language runtime. The representation is to be determined and documented by each language SIG. Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Test exception\n at com.example.GenerateTrace.methodB(\n at com.example.GenerateTrace.methodA(\n at com.example.GenerateTrace.main( Recommended
exception.type string The type of the exception (its fully-qualified class name, if applicable). The dynamic type of the exception should be preferred over the static type in languages that support it.; OSError Recommended


The event name MUST be user_action.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
element string Target element tag name (obtained via button Recommended
element_xpath string Target element xpath //*[@id="testBtn"] Recommended
user_action_type string Type of interaction. See enum here for potential values we could add support for. click Required
click_coordinates string Click coordinates captured as a string in the format {x}X{y}. Eg. 345X23 345X23 Recommended
tags string[] Grab data from data-otel-* attributes in tree [data-otel-asd="value" -> asd attr w/ "value"] Recommended

user_action_type MUST be one of the following:

Value Description
click click


The event name MUST be web_vital.

Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
name string name of the web vital CLS Required
value double value of the web vital 1.0; 2.0 Required

name MUST be one of the following:

Value Description
CLS cls
LCP lcp
FID fid



Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level string Anonymous user id - will be the same for a given browser session. It will persist across page navigations in the same browser session. is this a GUID? Recommended
browser.brands string[] Array of brand name and version separated by a space [1] [ Not A;Brand 99, Chromium 99, Chrome 99] Recommended
browser.language string Preferred language of the user using the browser [2] en; en-US; fr; fr-FR Recommended boolean A boolean that is true if the browser is running on a mobile device [3] Recommended
browser.platform string The platform on which the browser is running [4] Windows; macOS; Android Recommended
browser.user_agent string Full user-agent string provided by the browser [5] Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36 Recommended string Unique ID generated on page load for the lifetime of the document (eg. persistent during SPA) [6] 627cc493-f310-47de-96bd-71410b7dec09 Recommended string Application name. Will be provided by customer. [7] shoppingcart Required
service.version string Application version. Will be provided by customer. 2.0.0 Recommended
telemetry.sdk.language string The language of the telemetry SDK. cpp Recommended string The name of the telemetry SDK as defined above. opentelemetry Recommended
telemetry.sdk.version string The version string of the telemetry SDK. 1.2.3 Recommended

[1]: This value is intended to be taken from the UA client hints API (navigator.userAgentData.brands).

[2]: This value is intended to be taken from the Navigator API navigator.language.

[3]: This value is intended to be taken from the UA client hints API ( If unavailable, this attribute SHOULD be left unset.

[4]: This value is intended to be taken from the UA client hints API (navigator.userAgentData.platform). If unavailable, the legacy navigator.platform API SHOULD NOT be used instead and this attribute SHOULD be left unset in order for the values to be consistent. The list of possible values is defined in the W3C User-Agent Client Hints specification. Note that some (but not all) of these values can overlap with values in the os.type and attributes. However, for consistency, the values in the browser.platform attribute should capture the exact value that the user agent provides.

[5]: The user-agent value SHOULD be provided only from browsers that do not have a mechanism to retrieve brands and platform individually from the User-Agent Client Hints API. To retrieve the value, the legacy navigator.userAgent API can be used.

[6]: MUST be unique for each instance of the same service.namespace, pair (in other words service.namespace,, triplet MUST be globally unique). The ID helps to distinguish instances of the same service that exist at the same time (e.g. instances of a horizontally scaled service). It is preferable for the ID to be persistent and stay the same for the lifetime of the service instance, however it is acceptable that the ID is ephemeral and changes during important lifetime events for the service (e.g. service restarts). If the service has no inherent unique ID that can be used as the value of this attribute it is recommended to generate a random Version 1 or Version 4 RFC 4122 UUID (services aiming for reproducible UUIDs may also use Version 5, see RFC 4122 for more recommendations).

[7]: MUST be the same for all instances of horizontally scaled services. If the value was not specified, SDKs MUST fallback to unknown_service: concatenated with, e.g. unknown_service:bash. If is not available, the value MUST be set to unknown_service.

Sample Resource Attributes
    "resource": {
        "attributes": [
            "// Customer configured",
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "Web-tracing"
            "// Customer configured",
            "key": "service.version",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "1.2.3"

            "key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "webjs"
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "opentelemetry"
            "key": "telemetry.sdk.version",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "1.2.0"
            "key": "browser.language",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "en-US"
            "key": "browser.brand",
            "value": {
                "arrayValue": [" Not A;Brand 99", "Chromium 99", "Chrome 99"]
            "key": "browser.platform",
            "value": {
                "stringValue": "Android"
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "boolValue": "false"
            "key": "browser.user_agent",
            "value": {
                "stringValue": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.54 Safari/537.36"


Attribute Type Description Examples Requirement Level
browser.screen_width int Screen width of the device/browser view port Recommended
browser.screen_height int Screen height of the device/browser view port Recommended string Session identifier Is this a GUID? Recommended
browser.url string URL of the current active page Recommended
browser.page_impression_id string Unique impression id for the page impression, represented by a GUID. Eg: Page.html will yield 4 impression ids if the page is refreshed 4 times in the same browser instance. Could change in SPA usage (when url changes -> new impression) GUID Recommended string Username or client_id extracted from the access token or Authorization header in the inbound request from outside the system. [1] username Recommended

[1]: Authenticated user id

Sample ResourceVarying Attributes
    "resource": {
        "varying_attributes": [
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "bob.the.builder"
            "key": "browser.page_impession_id",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "cb05739e-600d-4b89-b994-755ba531af0b"

            "key": "browser.url",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": ""
            "key": "",
            "value": {
            "stringValue": "0831c954-5263-41c7-a0f8-bad7a3e63146"
            "key": "browser.screen_width",
            "value": {
            "intValue": 1080
            "key": "browser.screen_height",
            "value": {
            "intValue": 800


Mapping to OTel Signal Types

Listing this out for the purpose of discussion.

Object Current Name (if any) OTel Signal Type Description Note
PageView Event Emitted at the earliest opportunity when a page loads. Contains Trace Context of PageLoad Span (see next item) ---
PageLoad documentLoad Span Emitted on body onLoad after the Performance Navigation Timing info is available. ---
- Span Span for page fetch
Performance-NavigationTiming Span-Event Performance Navigation Timing of the page Emitted either as a Span Event attached to PageLoad (default) or as a separate Event linked with the PageLoad span
HTTP xhr, fetch, documentFetch, resourceFetch Span Emitted for xhr, fetch,sendBeacon calls and also for Page and Resource fetch May include an Exception event if any exception occurs during the HTTP request
HttpRequestTiming Span-Event Attached to HTTP span
ResourceTiming Span-Event Performance Timing of the resource loaded
Exception Event Emitted for any unhandled exception occuring outside of an HTTP request Unlike other Events, the exception. attributes will all be top-level attributes and will not be in This is to stay consistent with Exception Span-Events.
UserAction UserInteraction Event User actions
WebVital Event Web Vitals

Flow of browser telemetry

  1. When a Page loads, a PageView event is emitted right away at the earliest opportunity. A PageLoad span is also started,and its trace context is attached to the PageView event emitted.

  2. The PageLoad span is emitted after the browser calls body onLoad. This span has PerformanceNavigationTiming attached as a span-event.

  3. For each request made the browser further, an HTTP span is emitted. These requests could be any of the following: a) Initial Page/html fetch b)XHR, Fetch, sendBeacon c) resource fetch (js, css, images, etc)

    3.1 This HTTP will also have a Timing event attached. This will be HttpRequestTiming event in the case of initial page html, XHR, Fetch and sendBeacon calls and ResourceTiming event in the case of calls to fetch resources. 3.2 Each of the HTTP spans will also point to the original PageLoad span emitted through one of the following:

    • The link in their spans will point to the PageLoad span
    • Both the PageLoad and all HTTP spans emitted will have the same resource attribute.