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Scanpay PHP client

Latest Stable Version License CodeFactor

The Scanpay PHP client library provides convenient and simplified access to the Scanpay API from programs written in PHP. The library is developed and maintained by Scanpay in Denmark.

If you have any questions, concerns or ideas, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at Feel free to join our IRC server #support or chat with us at


PHP version >= 7.4 with php-curl (libcurl >= 7.60.0). See compatibility table.


The package is published at Packagist. You can install the library via Composer:

composer require scanpay/scanpay

You can then include it in your project with:

require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // composer autoload
$scanpay = new Scanpay\Scanpay('API key');

Manual installation

If you do not wish to use Composer, you can download the latest release and include it in your project:

require 'lib/Scanpay.php';
$scanpay = new Scanpay\Scanpay('API key');


The API documentation is available here. Most methods accept an optional per-request array with options, referred to as $options.

newURL(Array, $options): String

Create a link to our hosted payment window (docs | example).

$order = [
    'orderid'    => 'order_184',
    'items' => [
            'name'     => 'Pink Floyd: The Dark Side Of The Moon',
            'total'    => '199.99 DKK'
$paymentLink = $scanpay->newURL($order, $options);

seq(Integer, $options): Array

Fetch changes after a specified sequence number (docs | example).

$localSeq = (int) $yourDB['seq']; // Locally stored sequence number
$arr = $scanpay->seq($localSeq, $options);
foreach ($arr['changes'] as $change) {
    print_r($change); // Apply change in your DB
$localSeq = (int) $arr.seq;

parsePing(String, String): Array

Validate and parse scanpay pings (docs | example).

$ping = $scanpay->parsePing(
    file_get_contents('php://input', false, null, 0, 512),
    $_SERVER['HTTP_X_SIGNATURE'] // X-Signature HTTP header

capture(Integer, Array, $options): Array

Capture an authorized amount from a transaction (docs | example).
The index is the number of actions recorded by your system, and it's a security measure against double captures.

$order = (arr) $yourDB.getOrder('order_184');
$trnID = (int) $order['scanpay']['id'];
$nActs = count($order['scanpay']['acts']); // $change['acts'] from seq()
$data = [
    'total' => $order['amount'], // e.g. '199,99 DKK'
    'index' => $nActs,
$scanpay->capture($trnID, $data, $options);

charge(Integer, Array, $options): Array

Charge a subscriber (docs | example).

$subscriberid = 2;
$charge = [
    'orderid'    => 'charge_1023',
    'items'    => [
            'name'     => 'Pink Floyd: The Dark Side Of The Moon',
            'total'    => '199.99 DKK',
$scanpay->charge($subscriberid, $charge, $options);

renew(Integer, Array, $options): String

Create a link to renew the payment method for a subscriber. (docs | example).

$subcriptionLink = $scanpay->renew($subscriberid, [], $options);


All methods, except parsePing, accept an optional per-request $options array. You can use this to:

  • Set HTTP headers, e.g. the highly recommended X-Cardholder-IP (example)
  • Override API key (example)
  • Change the hostname to use our test environment (example)
  • Enable debugging mode (example)
  • Override cURL options with CURLOPT_* parameters (example).

Compatibility table

PHP Version
CurlHandle class (polyfilled) 8.0
Typed class properties 7.4
Type declarations 7.4
Null coalescing operator 7.4
hash_equals 5.6
curl_strerror 5.5


Everything in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.