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  • It's a pre-built docker image of tdlib/telegram-bot-api.
  • Different tags are also available, based on the version of tdlib/telegram-bot-api.
  • Auto-Update:
    • It updates automatically, when tdlib/telegram-bot-api is updated.
    • Updates are checked everyday 12:00 PM IST (6:30 AM UTC).
    • Add PAT (with repo, user and workflow permissions) to WORKFLOW_PAT action secret, if you want to auto-deploy to docker-hub when update is fetched. (applicable only when you fork this repository)

🔰 Pre-Requisites

💠 Obtain API-ID and API-Hash

Obtain api-id & api-hash as described here and specify them using TELEGRAM_API_ID & TELEGRAM_API_HASH environment variables.

🔰 Environment Variables

💠 Required


💠 Optional

  • EXTRA_ARGS: Extra arguments for telegram-bot-api. Ex: <ARG1> <ARG2> <ARG3>.

💠 Available build args

  • TG_VERSION: You can set the TG_VERSION env using this ARG, on build time.

💠 ENVs available for your container, if uses this image as your base image

  • All above envs (if passed)
  • DEFAULT_ARGS: Default args for running telegram-bot-api.
  • TELEGRAM_WORK_DIR: read here
  • TELEGRAM_TEMP_DIR: read here
  • MACHINE_USERNAME: read here
  • MACHINE_GROUPNAME: read here
  • PORT1: read here
  • PORT2: read here
  • TG_VERSION: Version of telegram-bot-api and docker-image.

🔰 Available Ports

  • 8081/tcp (default for telegram-bot-api)
  • 8082/tcp

🔰 Running Telegram-Bot-API

💠 Overview

  • There are many ways to run it. Some are:
    • Running using docker run.
    • Deploying to some hosting service directly.
    • Using it as the base image in your docker container.
      • Ex: FROM sayyid5416/telegram-bot-api:latest
    • Check to get an idea of how to run it.
      • Ex: telegram-bot-api <Default-Arguments> <Extra-Arguments>

💠 Available Arguments

  • Default-Arguments: Already configured in Dockerfile as DEFAULT_ARGS.

              Argument                 Default value                      Description
        --api-id=<value>       Set it via ENV "TELEGRAM_API_ID"      For Telegram API access
        --api-hash=<value>     Set it via ENV "TELEGRAM_API_HASH"    For Telegram API access
    -p, --http-port=<value>    PORT1 (8081)                          HTTP listening port
    -d, --dir=<value>          TELEGRAM_WORK_DIR (/file)             Server working directory
    -t, --temp-dir=<value>     TELEGRAM_TEMP_DIR (/tmp)              Directory for storing HTTP server temporary files
    -u, --username=<value>     MACHINE_USERNAME (telegram-bot-api)           user name to switch to
    -g, --groupname=<value>    MACHINE_GROUPNAME (telegram-bot-api)          Effective group name to switch to
  • Extra-Arguments: Pass these via EXTRA_ARGS environment variable.

              Argument                        Default value                 Description
        --local                                   NA               Allow the Bot API server to serve local requests
    -s, --http-stat-port=<value>                  NA               HTTP statistics port
        --filter=<value>                          NA               "<remainder>/<modulo>". Allow only bots with 'bot_user_id % modulo == remainder'
        --max-webhook-connections=<value>         NA               Default value of the maximum webhook connections per bot
        --http-ip-address=<value>            All IPv4 addresses    local IP address, HTTP connections to which will be accepted
        --http-stat-ip-address=<value>       All IPv4 addresses    local IP address, HTTP statistics connections to which will be accepted
    -l, --log=<value>                             NA               Path to the file where the log will be written
    -v, --verbosity=<value>                       NA               Log verbosity level
        --memory-verbosity=<value>                3                Memory log verbosity level
        --log-max-file-size=<value>           2000000000           Maximum size of the log file in bytes before it will be auto-rotated
    -c, --max-connections=<value>                 NA               Maximum number of open file descriptors
        --proxy=<value>                           NA               HTTP proxy server for outgoing webhook requests in the format http://host:port

🔰 Some Useful Docs

  • Moving a bot to a local server or Moving a bot from one local server to another:

    • You must call logOut on your bot, to deregister your bot from previous server, before using this server.
  • Using a Local Bot API Server (--local):

    • More features will be unlocked & Limits would be removed.
    • For getFile, files will be downloaded and path would be returned.
    • You will need to use tools like NGINX to download those files.
  • More Info:

    • Your own API endpoint, Ex: <hostUrl>/bot<token>/getMe.
    • Telegram Bot API server accepts only HTTP requests, so a TLS termination proxy needs to be used to handle remote HTTPS requests.