A curated list of Data Science resources available online
- Coursera: Andrew NG
- Coursera: Geoffrey Hinton
- Caltech: Abu Mostafa
- Stanford: NLP
- Stanford: CNN, Videos
- Stanford: MMDS
- Berkeley: Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Stanford: Convex Optimization
- Stanford: Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Big Data University: TensorFlow
- Kadenze: TensorFlow
- Udacity Nanodegree: AI
- Udacity Nanodegree: Self Driving Car
- EDX: Berkeley X-Series Spark
- Khan Academy: Linear Algebra
- Khan Academy: Calculus
- MIT: Linear Algebra
- MIT: Calculus
- Harvard: Stat110
- arxiv
- gitxiv
- Deep Learning Reading List
- Hacker Dojo Deep Learning Study Papers
- Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap
- Awesome Deep Vision
- The-9-Deep-Learning-Papers-You-Need-To-Know-About
- awesome-deep-learning-papers
- top-10-data-science-github
- Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Machine Learning
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Deep Vision
- Awesome Artifical Intelligence
- awesome-deep-learning-papers
- A-gallery-of-interesting-Jupyter-and-IPython-Notebooks
- Collection of Data Science iPython Notebooks
- Stanford: cs231n
- Adrej Karpathy
- Hvass-Labs: TensorFlow Tutorial Notebooks
- machine-learning-for-software-engineers
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Deep Learning Book
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning
- The Elements of Statistical Learning
- A Course in Machine Learning
- colah's blog
- iamtrask
- Medium
- KDNuggets
- datasciencecentral
- machinelearningmastery
- Edwin Chen's blog
- Hunch
- frequently-updated-machine-learning-blogs
- Open Source Data Science Masters
- analyticsvidhya: 21 Deep Learning Videos (2016)
- analyticsvidhya: Top YouTube Videos (2015)
- Free Python Books
- 16 Free Machine Learning Books
- frequently-updated-machine-learning-blogs