DBMS project for online Food Ordering system.
Deployed on http://foodkgp.pythonanywhere.com
The frontend specifically can be found in front-end/
To run the server, run the following command:
python manage.py runserver
- Supports Restaurant and Customer login and signup.
- User can enter and edit details.
- User can place orders from multiple restaurants.
- Support search functionality from user side.
- A restaurant can update their menu and add new items to their menu.
- Both user and restaurant can check their history logs.
- Pretty darn good UI.
- Sourav Pal @sourav-roni
- Sayan Mandal @sayanmandal
- Projjal Chanda @Projjal
- Aditya Bhagwat @Eraseread
- Kaustubh Hiware @kaustubhhiware