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This guide will cover the organization of the website and how to add content.
This is written with the developer in mind, so some technical knowledge is assumed.

Table of Contents

Site and Page structure

The Satsummit website is a hub for all the Satsummit editions. Some pages refer to the event itself and other pages refer to each edition.

Global pages

The global pages belong to the event itself and can be seen as meta pages.
Any page in src/pages is a global page unless under a specific edition directory.

There are also some dynamic global pages (the updates pages), created through the createPages API. See gatsby-node/updates-pages.mjs.

Edition pages

Each edition has its own directory under src/pages/<edition cId>.
Any page added here will belong to that edition and the variable editionCId is injected into the page context for use in the queries. This is being done in gatsby-node/edition-pages.mjs.

The dynamic pages for each edition, like the speaker pages, agenda pages, etc., are created through the createPages API. See gatsby-node/edition-pages.mjs.

Letter pages

Letter pages is the name given to the pages generated form the letter content type.
These pages are just MDX pages and can be global or edition specific. This is controlled by the editions field in the frontmatter (More on this later).

Content types


Editions are the main content type for the website.
They are defined using a yaml file in content/editions with the name <year>-<location>.yml. This will become the cId (content Id) of the edition and is used to link content to a specific edition.

Property Description
name Name of the edition. Usually <location> <short year> (Ex: Washington '24).
dates[] List of dates for the event.
card.src Relative url for the image to use in the edition card.
navigation List of menu items for this edition. This controls what navigation is shown on the header.
navigation[].title Title of the menu link.
navigation[].url Url for the menu link. Can be internal or external.
agenda.status One of draft or final\nControls the display of a coming soon informational message.
tickets Settings of this edition's tickets in the ticket page:
tickets.url Url to the platform where the tickets can be purchased.
tickets.description Description for the tickets.
tickets.status One of: coming-soon
format.event_time Controls the format on the event time in the agenda. Use tokens from date-fns

Starter template for an edition yaml file:

  - 'YYYY-MM-DD'
  event_time: 'HH:mm'
  - title: Agenda
    url: /<EDITION_CID>/agenda
  - title: Speakers
    url: /<EDITION_CID>/speakers
  status: hide # coming-soon live sold-out hide
  status: final # draft final


The letter content type is used to easily create standalone text pages, like "Terms and Conditions" or "Code of Conduct".
They can be global or edition specific. The content is written in MDX.


The file name is used as the cId and path for the page. If multiple editions need the a page with the same url, you can create a subdirectory and place the letter page inside.
If the page has the edition set in the frontmatter, the page will be automatically created under the /<edition cId> path prefix.

Frontmatter fields:

Property Description
title Name of the page.
lead Description of the page to show in the page hero and as a meta description.
editions Editions this letter belongs to.
(Leave out for global pages)
editions[].edition cId of the edition.


The people content type is used to define the participants of the event.
Each person belongs to a single edition and their file must be stored under content/people/<edition cId>/<person name>.mdx. This is what defines which edition the person is participating in.
If the same person participates in multiple editions, they must have a separate file for each edition.

The content (person's bio) is written in MDX.

Frontmatter fields:

Property Description
title Name of the person.
company The company this person works for/represents.
role The role at the company.
social List of social network's usernames.
social.x Username for X.
social.linkedin Username for Linkedin.
avatar Local url for this person's picture.
pronouns Person's pronouns.


The events content type is used to define the event's schedule, which can be part of the main event or fringe events.
Each event's file must be stored under content/events/<edition cId>/<event name>.mdx. The event should be named <day>-<hour>-<slug>.mdx (Ex: 16-0800-breakfast.mdx).

The event's content is written in MDX.

Frontmatter fields:

Property Description
title Name of the event.
type Type of the event. This is not fixed and may change from edition to edition.
date Date and time of the event.
fringe Whether or not the event is a fringe event.
Fringe events are shown under <edition cId>/fringe and do not belong to the main schedule.
room Name of the space where the event happens. This is not fixed and may change from edition to edition.
people Participants of the event grouped by their role. Use the participant's slug (the file name).
people.speakers Participants with the role of speakers.
people.moderators Participants with the role of moderators.
people.panelists Participants with the role of panelists.
people.facilitators Participants with the role of facilitators.
people.hosts Participants with the role of hosts.


It is possible to have a participant without a dedicated speaker page. In that case use the person's name as you want it to be displayed.


The sponsors content type is used to define the entities that support the event.
Their logo is shown in the footer of the edition they're supporting.

Frontmatter fields:

Property Description
title Name of the sponsor.
url Url of the sponsor's website.
image Local url for the sponsor logo
editions Editions this entity is supporting and their sponsor level.
editions[].edition cId of the edition.
editions[].group Sponsor level. This may vary edition by edition.


If the sponsor's groups are different for a given edition, the sponsors fold needs to be updates to accommodate them. This is done in src/components/sponsors-fold.tsx.


Updates are the chronological content for the website (a.k.a. blog posts).
This content type is global, but can be linked to an edition for context. Content is written in MDX.

Each update should be created as an index.mdx file in a directory named <date>-<slug> under content/updates.
Within this directory, you can add any assets or additional content needed for the post.

Frontmatter fields:

Property Description
title The title of the blog post.
description Description to be shown on the post card if defined. When not defined an excerpt is used.
date The file name should define the post date, but in case of need it can be overridden with this property.
cover.src Relative url for the image to use in the post card and page hero.
editions Editions this post relates to.
Used to show an edition tag on the post header and to link the content on the edition's homepage.
editions[].edition cId of the edition.
editions[].featured Weight when this edition is featured. (Number).
Any non zero number causes the update to become featured.


Marking an update as featured does not do anything in and of itself. It is up to the developer to use this information to display the content in a special way. The resolver featuredEditionUpdates(edition: $editionCId) can be used to get the featured updates for a given edition.

Creating a new edition

To add a new edition to the event, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new edition yaml file in content/editions with the content listed above.
  2. Create a new edition index page under src/pages/<edition cId>. Use the template below.
  3. Start adding content to the new edition.


Do not forget to add meta images for the edition. Place them in static/meta with the name meta-image-<edition cId>.png.

Edition pages and context data


Each edition specific page must start from the template below. The page must query the data defined by the EditionContextualData fragment (see src/utils/graphql/fragments.ts) and then pass the props to the PageLayout.

import React from 'react';
import { PageProps, graphql, type HeadProps } from 'gatsby';

import PageLayout from '$components/page-layout';
import Seo from '$components/seo';

export default function EditionPage(props: PageProps) {
  return (
    <PageLayout pageProps={props}>
      content goes here

export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query ($editionCId: String = "") {

export const Head = (
  props: HeadProps<Queries.EditionContextualDataFragment>
) => <Seo title='Edition Page' edition={} />;

The page layout component will then store this data in the edition context for use in components that are common to all edition pages, like the sponsors fold, or to show the edition name in the navigation.
See the available context methods in src/context/edition.tsx.