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Cache Configuration


Makisu supports distributed cache, which can significantly reduce build time, by up to 90% for some of Uber's code repos. -Makisu caches docker image layers both locally and in docker registry (if --push parameter is provided). -It uses a separate key-value store to map lines of a Dockerfile to names of the layers.


For cache key-value store, Makisu supports 3 choices: -local file cache, redis based distributed cache, and generic HTTP based distributed cache.


Local file cache


If no cache options are provided, local file cache is used by default. -To configure local file cache TTL:

--local-cache-ttl duration        Time-To-Live for local cache (default 168h0m0s)

Cache Configuration


Makisu supports distributed cache, which can significantly reduce build time, by up to 90% for some of + Uber's code repos. + Makisu caches docker image layers both locally and in docker registry (if --push parameter is provided). + It uses a separate key-value store to map lines of a Dockerfile to names of the layers.


For cache key-value store, Makisu supports 3 choices: + local file cache, redis based distributed cache, and generic HTTP based distributed cache.


Local file cache


If no cache options are provided, local file cache is used by default. + To configure local file cache TTL:

--local-cache-ttl duration        Time-To-Live for local cache (default 336h0m0s)

To disable it, set ttl to 0s.


Redis cache


To configure redis cache, use the following options:

--redis-cache-addr string         The address of a redis server for cacheID to layer sha mapping

To disable it, set ttl to 0s.


Redis cache


To configure redis cache, use the following options:

--redis-cache-addr string         The address of a redis server for cacheID to layer sha mapping
 --redis-cache-password string           The password of the Redis server, should match 'requirepass' in redis.conf
---redis-cache-ttl duration        Time-To-Live for redis cache (default 168h0m0s)
+--redis-cache-ttl duration        Time-To-Live for redis cache (default 336h0m0s)

HTTP cache


To configure HTTP cache, use the following options:

--http-cache-addr string          The address of the http server for cacheID to layer sha mapping

HTTP cache


To configure HTTP cache, use the following options:

--http-cache-addr string          The address of the http server for cacheID to layer sha mapping
 --http-cache-header stringArray   Request header for http cache server. Format is "--http-cache-header <header>:<value>"

Explicit commit and cache


By default, Makisu will cache each directive in a Dockerfile. To avoid committing and caching everything, the layer cache can be further optimized via explicit caching with the --commit=explicit flag. -Dockerfile directives may then be manually cached using the #!COMMIT annotation:

FROM node:8.1.3

Explicit commit and cache


By default, Makisu will cache each directive in a Dockerfile. To avoid committing and caching + everything, the layer cache can be further optimized via explicit caching with the + --commit=explicit flag. + Dockerfile directives may then be manually cached using the #!COMMIT annotation:

FROM node:8.1.3
 ADD package.json package.json
 ADD pre-build.sh
@@ -168,32 +175,36 @@ 

Explicit commit and cache

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]

In this example, only 2 additional layers on top of base image will be generated and cached.

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In this example, only 2 additional layers on top of base image will be generated and cached.
