Please see start up script for Linux and Windows for setting up firewalls and installing additional dependencies.
In a VS2017 developer cmd prompt: dotnet publish VMAgent.csproj -c release -o outputFolder --runtime win10-x64
The "outputFolder" in the directory containing the csproj file will have the dlls and exe.
In a VS2017 developer cmd prompt: dotnet publish VMAgent.csproj -c release -o outputFolder --runtime ubuntu.18.04-x64
The "outputFolder" in the directory containing the csproj file will have the dlls and exe. Once the files are copied over, the LocalMultiplayerAgent file will need to be converted to executable - chmod +X LocalMultiplayerAgent
The MultiplayerSettings.json generator tool can assist you with configuring your MultiplayerSettings.json
file, and configuring it for your server.
The LMA Build Tool can assist you with configuring your BuildSettings.json
file for creating builds through LocalMultiplayerAgent.